Knowhow-Now Article

Making Your Home Ready To Sell

If you want to sell your house, there are a lot of things you need to think about. You have to find a realtor to market your house, you need to work things out with your mortgage lender and a number of other things. However, the most important thing you can do when you want to sell you house is to make sure that your home is presentable for prospective buyers who are dropping by and may want to buy your home.

Tip: A lot of homeowners are having a hard time keeping up with minor repairs, painting, or landscaping. If these tasks are ignored over the years, that will just deplete the worth of the home and end up being something that has to be fixed before the house can actually go on sale.

The first thing you need to do of course, is to make sure that your home is clean. This may seem obvious to you, but there are a lot of people who just don't consider this. They think that the appearance doesn't matter because the buyers should assume that everything will be clean later. But that is not the way that buyers think. You may think it's ok to have mounds of garbage bags in the screened porch, but that might very well turn off buyers.

Tip: Minor updates to your kitchen can make your home significantly more valuable and appealing. Upgrade one of your appliances to create a strong focal point and make the kitchen look newer.

Cleaning your house is just the first step, of course, you need to also think very seriously about the clutter in your home. You might even think about moving some of your belongings to your new house, or to a personal storage unit. The more you can help buyers to think of the house as their house, the better. And it's hard to do that when your stuff is everywhere.

Tip: All pertinent information about a home you are selling should be kept well-organized and easily available. You can help the buyer by constructing a list of any contractors who have worked on your home.

Look at the exterior of the house, as well as the grounds. This is something that really gets overlooked by sellers, when the truth is that it's the first thing that buyers see. If your windows need to be replaced or the grass is all dead, all the buyer thinks about is how much the house is really going to cost him. Do your best to make the outside of your house look inviting. If you cannot, considern knocking some money off your selling price.

Tip: Add some extras into the sale of your home, to make it appear more appealing, and a better deal to potential buyers. For example, including appliances in the sale price is very good incentive to buyers.

Consider doing upgrades. Upgrades and renovations can make your home worth more, and if you know something needs to be done, it might be worth it to have it done before you try to sell your home. For instance, if you know that the bathroom floor needs to be replaced, you should go ahead and replace it before a buyer refuses to buy because he thinks there is extensive water damage in the house.

Tip: People who are in the market for a new home will single out the most attractive homes based upon first impressions. It can make a difference with how many people go to your showings.

Have a home inspector drop over. This is a great way to know what buyers will be looking at, and a great way to determine what you need to work on when you consider things from a buyer's perspective.

You don't have to do any of the things this article suggests, but keep in mind that it might affects how long your property sits on the market. If you want to sell your home in a timely manner, do your best to really understand that your home must look presentable. Try your best to put yourself in the buyer's shoes, and go from there.

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