Knowhow-Now Article

Marketron offers a fully integrated suite of sales, traffic, reporting, billing and business intelligence systems built specifically for the distinct needs of the radio industry. Marketron empowers broadcasters to increase revenue and reduce costs. Marketron Traffic combines the critical functionality required by radio professionals to negotiate and schedule advertising spots at the best possible value. Marketron's radio traffic software suite incorporates intuitive, Windows-based user interfaces for ultimate ease of use. In addition, Marketron Hosting delivers all of the features and functionality of the system via the Internet. Designed and used by some of the most successful media organizations in the world, Marketron Traffic is proof of the firm’s commitment to advance radio through technology.

Key Benefits
Operational flexibilities. Marketron Traffic software can be customized to run your organization in the manner that works best for you. From the distributed market-based model, to the regional deployment model which offers standardization across databases and enables cross utilization of resources, to the fully centralized operation model with potential for select operations to be outsourced.

Increase sales productivity. Marketron’s integrated sales functions enable stations to electronically approve orders, minimize data entry tasks and streamline communication between station sales, radio traffic and radio billing departments; thereby reducing errors and increasing productivity.

Operational efficiencies. All traffic processes such as assigning approvals, conversion to contract, spot scheduling and generation of logs are completed electronically through intuitive interfaces designed with the radio user in mind. This streamlined process reduces redundancy, data entry errors and communication lapses.

Maximize inventory and revenue. Marketron has the most advanced and customizable spot scheduler available, ensuring optimal automatic spot placement and maximization of your limited inventory. Enable radio traffic managers to easily review inventory and manipulate spot placement to make the most of revenue and reduce makegoods. Through powerful inventory query features, traffic managers can quickly identify and reschedule lower rate spots to accommodate higher priority advertisers. Market driven efficiency tools ensure you get the most revenue possible based on the inventory available.

Customizable real-time reporting. Provides up-to-the-second custom reports that deliver tremendous insight to station management, allowing them to monitor progress and take action to maximize revenue. Review of station revenue streams and inventory sales allows management to accurately design group-wide and regional goals.

Key Features
AE order entry. Marketron’s AE order entry is designed for the active sales force and enables AEs to quickly and efficiently enter their orders directly into the radio software system.

Electronic approval process. Proposals and sales orders that require revisions can be easily and quickly electronically sent to your AEs for prompt action. Through the use of line remarks and notes, communication is made simple and efficient during this process.

400-day boardfile. Marketron Traffic’s boardfile gives you exact spot placement for more than a year in the future.

Advanced scheduler. The Marketron Traffic advanced scheduler uses a complex system procedure, looking at customized business rules and criteria to determine the best placement for your spot.

Inventory and revenue optimization features. With the ability to view more than a week’s worth of logs on one screen and advanced workflow tools, radio traffic managers have the power to maximize revenue through spot placement.

Management reports. Marketron’s endlessly customizable report-building module provides real-time, accurate information to keep management and corporate in control.

AE reports. AEs have essential reports at their fingertips so that they are able to get real-time, accurate inventory, account and budget information.

Automation manager. Marketron's traffic and billing software is tightly integrated with the majority of the leading automation systems used in the radio industry.

Scratchpads. Log templates called scratchpads can be pre-built and saved for programming blocks such as sporting events or other events that air infrequently and might need to be removed at the last minute.

Notifications. Traffic managers are able to send a bumped spot or missing copy notification at any time to any sales person directly from the boardfile.

Multi-station accounts receivable and billing. From credit approvals through electronic invoicing, Marketron’s account package delivers what you need. Every feature was designed with participation and feedback from the best users in radio.

Integration with automation systems. Automatic reconciliation with your automation system to ensure accurate reporting, invoicing and compliance.

System-wide security. Marketron Traffic offers comprehensive system-wide security that is tailored to your station’s needs.

Marketron radio traffic and billing software solutions streamline and automate workflow and provide real-time access to consolidated sales, inventory and billing data.

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