Knowhow-Now Article

Blackberry Mobile Phone Review: Model -Storm 9530 (with 3.15 MP camera)

The hallmark of cell phones today is the huge assortment of features they come with. The competitiveness of the marketplace leads companies to spend money on branding their products. That is why people very often do not refer to their cell phones by that old outdated name. Rather, people use the brand name of their phone, like Blackberry. Of course that is the focus of our review, today, the BlackBerry Storm 9530. Owning a camera-feature included in a cellular phone is almost standard today. The image resolution isnow the crucial feature, and that of the Storm 9530 is just a little more than 3 megapixels. Nevertheless, this Blackberry cell phone provides many more features which we will discuss with you.

Indeed, the Blackberry 9530 has arange of useful features. First on the features list is a GPS system that utilizes what are called Blackberry maps. For this, it looks pretty certain that they simply bought a standard licence for a GPS database and then attached their name to it. The media player that comes with this Blackberry cell model offers the ability to run three popular file formats: MP3, AAC+ and WMA. Both WMV and MPEG4 format movies may be watched on the video player. The cell phone's integrated camera has over 3 mega pixels (MP) of resolution along with an automatic focus. Videos could be recorded and played, and brightness may be raised by utilizing the LED flash.

The Blackberry 9530 cell phone utilizes a touch screen-based technology. The editor gives you the ability to compile documents as well as offering all the now basic features of text messaging. The Storm 9530 features integrated Bluetooth technology for allowing you to connect to other devices wirelessly and listening to WiFi music. The first ever touchscreen that may be clicked was an innovation of the 9530. Providing cell phone users a feeling of comfort was the purpose behind this. This was because some of the actions on a typical keyboard may be copied. Amongst other features that it has, the Storm 9530 cell phone gives you the ability to interact with a number of programs using single and multi-touch.

One is not limited to simply Blackberry proprietary services, but can for example get GPS ability by accessing Verizon Wireless. Likewise, you can take advantage of this service wherever oyu are in the world. The regular internal memory of 1 GB can be enhanced substantially, up to a maximum of 16 GB. These days most of us have several email accounts, and a great feature is that you can have up to ten, whether for business or personal use. We are all aware of how much people send and receive text messages, and there is a variety of instant messaging services available. The Blackberry 9530's battery life for active service is 6 hours.

Even though the Storm 9530 cellular phone is outdated, there is still a good market for certain consumers. Advancements in cellular phone technology come at a cost, reflected in the higher price of the current models, and not everyone can bear that kind of expense. It's a fact, likewise, that a great number of people don't require the fancier features on the latest cell phones. A cellular phone that's dependable and offers the basic features is all that's called for by this market. Consequently, consumers have the ability to buy previous models that manufacturers believed are worth the effort to restore. There are plenty of sites such as as ebay, and Amazon where you can ask about the availabilty of previous, renovated cell phone models

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