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If you are raising a family, the couple may tend to share their responsibilities at work to finish it on time. Sometimes, we parents can juggle on doing the chores at home and taking care of our kids too that is just like any other family out there. Just to have an even share of the things we do, we tried to monitor our tasks but sometimes the other may seem to get more work than me. If you are considering job sharing in your company, you can certainly take a look at parents.

What is job sharing?

For a particular job, two persons can possibly share a full time responsibility to it. You can still be having your regular job and it’s not necessarily that you will have to quit for a new job.

You might ask if one can be successful if another person shares the job?

Yes is the answer!

For two people assuming one position job role to be successful in it would definitely require some skills and that if the company is also open to this type of job agreement. So to help you out to make sure your proposal of a job sharing type of employment will be more or less likely favored by your employer, check these:

Can the job be logically split on a task, time or customer basis?

If the job is shared, can contact with customers and co-workers be handled effectively?

Can there be sufficient continuity between the two employees sharing the job?

Those mentioned above are prerequisites for you to make a proposal to your boss or employer if they are open to such arrangement. It is advised that you request a formal time with your employer to discuss such matter. Job sharing is a very serious matter that might require your boss to take some time to think about it whether it will result to a win-win situation between you and the company.

Be prepared by thinking in advance the possible questions that your employer might asked you when you present such idea. By putting yourself on your employer’s shoes, you will arrive at a more achievable outcome about your proposal. For the obvious reason, the job sharing arrangement will definitely work for you and the effect to that is for your personal benefit in which you can now attend to family, work, friends, etc. at the time comfortable for you. For your proposal to get more chance of being accepted in an employer’s point of view, here are some questions you may consider:

What number of hours will be worked by each of the job-sharers? – It’s also important to detail how variations will be managed, including annual and personal leave.  Remember, from a business perspective, this is a full-time position.

What days will you each work? – It’s an obvious question, however detailing the schedule will provide comfort to your employer, especially if you provide additional information such as managing handover, including the ongoing management of tasks and responsibilities already underway.  The workflow needs to continue regardless of who started the task, so an open, honest and close working relationship with your job-sharer is crucial.

How will your colleagues manage communication and interaction? – By demonstrating that you’ve thought long and hard about the impact this change will have on others, you are providing comfort to your employer that this decision is not all about you and your desire for flexibility.  From a business perspective, it’s important to consider how your colleagues will interact and work with the job-sharers.  Naturally, you will need to access each others information, so be sure to detail that provision be made for both people to have access to everything, including computers, emails and locked cabinets.

How will the job-sharers manage the role? – Detail whether you will be owning responsibility for one project or will you be working in the same capacity in the role and managing workflow as required?

What are your ideas in relation to salary and benefits? – While discussing salary and benefits can at times be awkward, it’s important to be open and honest upfront about how you see the fulltime salary and benefits being divided between the job-sharers.  It might be worth discussing this with your payroll department to better prepare your proposal in this area.

It pays to know the person where you can show and present your job sharing proposal. You can ask your direct head or consult the HR officer of your company on where and how your proposal be submitted whether you have to address it to top management. To help you with your proposal draft, some points below might motivate you in getting it done:

Double the talent – imagine two people combining their experience, talent and expertise to fulfil your role.  It’s undoubtedly going to improve the work produced, bringing a new level to the position.

Continuous work flow – providing you and your job-sharer negotiate the finer points prior to formalising the contract, you can almost guarantee continuous work flow for the business during annual leave, sick leave and other absences.  Worst case, if your job-sharer moves on, you have the comfort of part-time coverage for the role.  It should be noted that loyalty and retention are generally high and absenteeism is low among job sharers.

One thing that you have to note is the importance of having the job sharing type of working arrangement as an option for an effective way to attain success in the business or company and the people who will be involved in it.

Family Friendly Employment, School Hours Australia, School hours in Australia, working mums from home, jobs with school hours, working from home mum, jobs school hours, work from home jobs for mums

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