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One of the basic building blocks of maths is multiplication. Learning the times tables is a vital part of arithmetic. As with other subjects some children might take easily to learning their multiplication tables while others might find it more of a challenge – sometimes even a struggle.

Usually, teachers depend on parents to assist their struggling children at home. Sadly this can lead to a frustrating learning experience with a child who is finding multiplication tables particularly challenging. It can end up causing parents to question the necessity of times tables altogether.

Are they necessary?

The answer is ABSOLUTELY! Learning the multiplication tables is crucial.


Without the understanding of the multiplication tables, children will suffer and struggle with later maths, which involves more advanced arithmetic. This includes division, longer multiplications etc.

If the child is deprived of the essential understanding of their times tables, then they are likely to struggle terribly with their maths as they progress through school.

Consequently they will crawl through more complicated maths – such as two-digit multiplication and long division – with great difficulty.

A child's confidence and their capability to advance will be lost. This is why multiplication tables are so important!

It's also important to consider all the other areas in life where we use multiplication. Our everyday life is full of examples. From domestic situations such as cooking to the calculation of bills and the managing of finances. Even out when we're shopping or dining!

All of these tasks are made easier and quicker when you have a solid grasp of the multiplication tables.Now, these valid points make sense to any adult, but a struggling child will need a little more encouragement and incentive to learn!

It's important to understand that in 'some' cases a child's inability to memorize multiplication facts might suggest learning difficulties. If a child is still failing to memorising their times tables, even when a parent or teacher has continually and consistently worked with them, then an alternative learning method needs to be found. One that will suit them.

It is very important to ensure that a child is encouraged and supported.It is vital that parents do NOT reprimand or criticize their children. The child is struggling enough as it is! Negative emotions and pressure will sabotage a child's learning capability – in some cases it is severe enough to completely prevent the learning of new information.

Parents should encourage their children to engage with new and innovative methods of learning their multiplication tables.

For example, the use of games that incorporate multiplication tables can be very effective for some children. Others respond better to software programs and the use of animals or TV characters. These visual and more enjoyable methods of learning can help children memorize better. Flash cards have also proven to be effective in memorizing multiplication tables.

The experiences that are most memorable are usually those we've enjoyed. It makes sense then, to make learning multiplication tables more of an enjoyable experience for children. This way, they are far more likely to retain the vital information they have learned and will undoubtedly NEED in the future.

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