Knowhow-Now Article

Must Read Suggestions For Traveling At Home Or Abroad

Whether you choose to travel to different areas in your home country or abroad, there are some important suggestions you should consider to protect yourself from harm. It doesn't matter where you go as you will stand out like a sore thumb when traveling. You do not know the areas, you barely know the particular societies' common habits and you end up with a big bulls-eye on your back for those who look to prey on travelers. This article will offer some tips to protect yourself from crime and physical harm, allowing you to enjoy the vacation you have been looking forward to for so long.

Tip: Leave your additional valuables at your home. Valuables attract attention and increase your risk of being a victim of theft.

You should always be aware of your surroundings. Try to stay in populated, well lit areas where your only concern is pickpockets that can be averted by simply using a fanny pack or placing your money somewhere other than your pockets. Try to avoid shortcuts that run through sparsely populated areas and take the route with the highest traffic to prevent yourself from being victimized in an area with few witnesses as locals will tend to stick together in a community against outsiders. It's a sad fact, but they live there and you do not, and they simply do not want to become a victim of retaliation long after you have left the area, so you have to look out for yourself when traveling.

Tip: When traveling by air it is important you have a plan. Airports located in large, unfamiliar cities can be difficult to find.

Obviously, it is wise to limit night time travel to a minimum unless some sort of event or large activity is planned. Again, the more people around you, the safer you will be. You can certainly go to a prized restaurant, but it is wise to stay close to your lodging or go in a larger group. This holds true anywhere you go as a place like Vegas, with all the lights and activity at night, is a prime location to run afoul of the seedier elements of society during evening excursions.

Tip: Try to purchase tickets to amusement parks in advance so that you could print them out. Sometimes there is a ticket fee, but already having your ticket means you don't have to stand in long lines, so the fee is totally worth it.

Never tell a stranger you are traveling alone, as you simply do not know who you are talking to. It is also not wise to be looking at maps out in public, as this can be seen by many, and the odds an unsavory person just discovered you are a traveler, alone or in a small group, is high. Look at those in a private area or where others may be doing the same and you do not stand out from the pack. Hotel lobbies, despite being a public place, are a great place to plan your route as most who are staying there or in your presence will also more than likely be traveling and not some guy off the street just looking for a victim to follow.

Tip: Workout at the gym prior to your flight. Multi-hour flights can take a lot out of you.

Check in with loved ones regularly, simply for the fact that you have a timeline of open communication that can help if a crime is committed against you or you become lost. If a person has not received a call on a certain day, law enforcement can then watch hotel surveillance to start tracking your comings and goings and have a point of reference for an investigation, if needed.

There is nothing wrong with traveling alone or in a small group as millions do so yearly. You are simply trying to keep yourself safe in an area that you are unfamiliar with and where people can be taken advantage of. By following the suggestions mentioned, you will have a fantastic and enjoyable travel experience with no cause for worry.

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