Knowhow-Now Article

Natural Hair Loss Treatments

Natural hair loss treatment is a wonderful option for those suffering with any sort of hair loss. Treating hair loss naturally is becoming a trend for treating hair problems and todays media plays a vital role in popularizing the trend. However, there are several critics too, which argues that the treatment of hair problems can not be done naturally and natural supplementation to hairs is not possible.
Most of the people and specially those suffering with hair loss either have to believe the hypothesis or have to reject and in either case one has to either gain or loss something. Generally people looking for hair loss treatment options ends up with biased and distorted reports which does not serve the purpose.
So if you are the one suffering with hair loss then you have to find best possible solution for treatment, be it natural treatment or medication or something else.
Since your food plays a vital role in making up your body and performing different bodily tasks, this is very important for you to analyze your food for the proteins and vitamin contents. You also can choose on hair loss food to treat your hair loss naturally. Natural hair loss food supplements are gaining popularity these days. However, there are no significant proofs available to support the logic if a food supplement helps in treating hair problems or not.
Since the food you eat imparts to your overall body health and hair are part of your body, you have to look for the following key supplements in your food, assuming the fact that the problem of your hair loss may be the cause of nutrients in your diet:

Vitamin A

Tip: There are different reasons for baldness, and one medicine can not fix all of them. There are products on the market that do a great job at increasing hair growth, but some are just full of empty promises.

Vitamin A is very vital in maintaining your body and hair health. This also works with silica and zinc to avert clogging and drying of the sebaceous gland. Sebaceous gland produces a fluid named sebum which is very important in producing lubricants for the hair follicles.
Due to deficiency of vitamin A your scalp become thick and dry which causes dandruff filled hair and ultimately hair loss.
Bad air, extremely bright light, some cholesterol drugs, laxative and aspirins, etc often causes hair problems. Alcohols are deficient in vitamin A.
Consumption of vitamin A more than 25000 IU per day regularly for nine months also causes hair loss.
To fulfill the vitamin A of your body, you have to consume food items like; fish oil, fortified milk, liver, red / yellow spinach and oranges.

Vitamin B6, B12, Folic Acid

Tip: There are a variety of natural preparations that promote the growth of strong, health hair while preventing hair loss. You might want to ask an experienced employee at the health food store in your neighborhood.

All of these three vitamins are very important in maintaining level of hemoglobin in blood. Hemoglobin ensures the supply of oxygen from lungs to tissues of the body. So, if your body is deficient in these three vitamins then your hair skin will suffer.
All of these three vitamins i.e. vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid, works together so that you must have of each one to fulfill the need of these vitamins in your body.
To ensure the supply of enough vitamin B to your body, you have to consume foods like liver, fish, chicken, pork, soybeans and kidney, etc.

Vitamin C

Tip: Altering your diet is an easy way to slow or even stop hair loss. Eat foods that are high in vitamins E and A, which are vital to maintaining healthy hair.

Vitamin C ensures the health of collagen in your body. Collagen is necessary to hold your body tissues tightly. The deficiency of vitamin C in your body can cause split ends and hair breakages.
To ensure the enough supply of vitamin C in your body, you consume foods, like; fresh peppers, citrus fruits, melons berries, potatoes, tomatoes and leafy green vegetables, etc.

Vitamin E

Tip: Make sure to take good care of yourself, especially if you're sick. If you don't take the steps recommended by your doctor, you may damage your body permanently.

Vitamin E in your body is responsible for healthy blood circulation and supply of oxygen to the scalps. Vitamin E deficiency is normally due to inability of body to absorb oils and fats.
To ensure the sufficient supply of vitamin E in your body, you have to consume foods like leafy green vegetables, nuts, grains, vegetable oils, and ready to eat cereals, etc.

Iron (Heme)

Tip: Try this idea if you're experiencing hair loss! Having a haircut that is very short can make you look more attractive, and make your baldness less noticeable. Cut your hair very short and keep it nicely groomed.

This is the kind of iron which is found in leafy green vegetables. Heme is completely different from the iron that comes from red meat. The good sources of heme iron are; leafy green vegetables, kidney, beans, and bran.
To ensure the supply of heme iron in your body, you must have to consume these food items.


Tip: Try black strap molasses, which is a natural remedy. Instead of rubbing this into your scalp, you will drink it.

Zinc produces cells and imparts to tissue growth and repair. Zinc also promotes oily scalps and hair follicles.
To ensure the enough supply of zinc in your body, you have to consume sea foods like oysters, etc.


Tip: Your diet is worth serious consideration when you are dealing with hair loss. An unbalanced diet filled with carbohydrates and fast foods can cause you to have unhealthy hair.

Iodine is very vital to your body health as well as hair health. To maintain enough of iodine level in your body, you have to consume foods like seaweed, salmon, seafood, lima beans, molasses, eggs and potatoes (skinless), watercress and garlic.


Proteins are very important for your body and hair health. Eat meats, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt to maintain the enough supply of proteins to your body.


Silica is also known as trace mineral. The deficiency of silica in your body causes hair problems. Although your body needs this mineral in very less quantity i.e. only in traces, but you must have to maintain that your body is getting enough supply of silica each day.
Some rich food sources of silica are rice, oats, lettuce, parsnips, asparagus, onion, strawberry, cabbage, cucumber, leek, sunflower seeds, celery, rhubarb, cauliflower and Swiss chard.
Have enough of these foods in your diet to maintain the desired amount of silica in your body.

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