Knowhow-Now Article

Neck And Back Pain

The most common causes of neck and back pain are due to incorrect posture and seating, especially if it takes place for long periods of time. This type of neck and back pain can be eased by applying external ointments, but they can reoccur unless the root cause has been corrected.

If you suffer from neck and back pain, the doctor will try to find out what exactly is triggering it by asking you the intensity of the pain and where the pain seems to originate from. Since pain intensity is difficult to standardize and hence express in accurate terms, the doctor will sometimes provide visual assessment tools and questionnaires to get a clear picture of what exactly you are feeling. Sometimes a neck and back pain can be only a reflection of pain felt but somehow hidden elsewhere in the body. This happens when you have hyperirritable trigger points or myofascial pain and is commonly known as referred pain, which is harder to diagnose.

Tip: Immobility from back pain can be helped by gentle stretches of the muscles around the back. Injury to your back can cause your entire body to hurt! Include the muscles surrounding the back area while stretching out the tightness.

Neck and back pain can sometimes be intense enough to disrupt daily activities and can also be accompanied by depression. For most people, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy usually helps reduce the effects of depression. Studies also show that depression can also seem to intensify neck and back pain in patients which is actually illusory and mostly to do with the mind. Curing depression and having a positive and calm mindset can do a great deal towards easing the pain you feel.

There are many treatments for neck and back pain which can be carried out at home and without medication. However, it is of the utmost importance that you consult a doctor first before trying out home remedies and healing techniques.

Tip: Have more Vitamin B-12 in your diet. Deficiency of this vitamin has been shown to be the cause of some people's back pain.

Neck and back pain treatments include physical therapy, exercises, yoga and massage. Exercises can help lessen the pain but if not done properly can also make it worse. Always follow instructions clearly and follow a medical practitioner’s guidance whenever possible. People who are physically fit are quicker to recover from pain than those who are not; therefore exercise, as is often told should be incorporated as a preventive measure than a cure.

A lot of people also seek alternative ways of curing neck and back pain, such as yoga, acupuncture, feldenkrais and massage techniques.

Whichever method of healing you choose, make sure that you are thorough about what it entails, such as side effects and treatment periods; with so many treatments available out there, you can easily find one that you are comfortable with.

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