Knowhow-Now Article

As an IT pro, the right network configuration management tools help you simplify your ongoing IT responsibilities. The last thing you would want to have fail is the network of your company. With the right tools in place, however, you can ensure you're always on top of keeping network connectivity up and running.

These three points illustrate why your IT department should strongly consider leveraging network management tools as part of their daily tasks:

-- Appropriate network routing

-- Network system management security

-- Take inventory of your network

*** Appropriate network routing ***

There are good connections with technology and bad. For example connecting your desk computer with the printer that the shop people use is likely not going to be your own first choice. Certainly, you don't want all of your associates to have access to the company's financial data. It doesn’t sound very logical either to have to drive across town to your satellite office just to secure a copy of one of your most recent invoices?

Interconnecting network devices is made possible with network management tools – computers, hard drives, printers, and even phone systems – this allows all your network devices to communicate in the most efficient manner possible with all other devices.

*** Security of Your Network ***

A good network system management includes a traffic monitor that allows you to view everything on your network. You'll see where users are going, the IP addresses they're coming from, and if they're trying to access unauthorized information or files. Stop information theft before it occurs no matter if people are external or internal to the companies infrastructure.

*** Network inventory control ***

A quick scan of your network will enable you to view inventory of all hardware, software, applications, and equipment connected to your network. You are the one in the know when it comes to unauthorized users robbing the company of bandwidth or even classified company files with this technology. Regular scans will help eliminate internal equipment theft and also detect malfunctions before they take down your entire system.

Reliable network management tools can be found where? is your one-stop shop for your %keyword1% needs. It’s online shopping at its best – because you pay nothing! Manage Windows alerts, create custom monitors and analyze network bandwidth usage by downloading Spiceworks’ free network management tools.

Phone, eMail and online support from a community of over 1,200,000 IT pros is also made available to help answer any questions you may have with using their free software.

Get Spiceworks' free network management solution tools and start simplifying your IT day now!

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