Knowhow-Now Article

Packing For Traveling Light

Now that more and more airlines are charging fees for everything from too many carry-on bags, to headphones, to dry sandwiches, it is important to be able to get the most out of each piece of luggage. Use the advice in this article to figure out ways to maximize the efficiency of everything you trundle along with you. You'll be surprised by how few bags you actually need, even when your trip lasts several days.

Tip: If you're traveling somewhere where you'll need tickets, like amusement parks or a play, look for ways to have them ahead of time. There is a small fee associated with purchasing tickets online; however, the time saved at the ticket booth will make it worth the cost.

Try to get everything you want to take into one carry-on bag that weighs no more than 20 pounds. This might seem crazy at first, because we are used to the idea of carrying our lives along with us when we travel. However, if you can decide to stick to this one piece, travel will become much easier.

Tip: Make sure that you have clothespins with you on your next vacation. It is an unusual item to consider packing, however they can be quite useful.

What do you really need to take on your trip? How many outfits do you need to carry? What are you taking because you always take it, and what are you taking because you really need to use it? Lay out all of the items that you want to take, and then analyze each item to figure out when and where you plan to use it on your trip. If you don't really see yourself using it, then you can probably leave it at home.

Tip: Always keep your most important belongings on hand when travelling. If you've got a purse, keep it tucked under your arm neatly.

Why do people buy travel size toiletries and then just pack them, when they can purchase them where they are going? Obviously, if you are headed to an international destination, there may be limited availability of your favorite personal items. However, if your travel is domestic, retail shopping in the United States is so homogenous that you can find the same products and stores just about anywhere. Put this to your own advantage by heading to a local pharmacy to buy the small items you would have bought at home and then had to haul along with you.

Tip: It is not uncommon to provide the housekeeper and bell hop with a tip. You don't have to overdo it, though, just a simple dollar per bag and no more than five dollars a day for the housekeeper is adequate enough.

How many outfits do you really need for your trip? Are you actually going to change clothes several times a day? If you end up changing your clothes that often, then you can send the clothing to the cleaners through the hotel or even launder them yourself if your lodging has a coin laundry. This means less hassle (and weight) slowing you down, as well as fewer bag fees when you prepare to board your next flight.

Tip: The shoes you wear when you go flying should be comfortable, lightweight, and easy to take off and put on. Security procedures require you to take your shoes off.

One of the major factors in overpacking is the fear of wrinkling. People carry garment bags instead of smaller bags because they think that the hangers keep their clothes from wrinkling. Even if you pack carefully, you are going to end up wrinkling your clothes a bit. Just plan to whip out the iron and prepare your clothes for each day; if you choose darker tones, the wrinkles will be less apparent. If you choose fabrics that are more wrinkle-resistant, you won't have to spend as much time at the ironing board.

Just about every traveler fantasizes about being able to travel with next to nothing in luggage. Use these tips to start packing light.

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