Knowhow-Now Article

Parachuting Gear – Knowing What To Wear

Who doesn't enjoy a skydiving exhibition? The formation and techniques that experienced skydivers do as they jump, free fall and slowly descend can be breathtaking for the average spectator. If it is exciting for the audience, then it is no doubt twice as exciting for the skydiver himself.

But while most skydivers focus on perfecting their skills and using the best and latest equipment, some of them neglect another important aspect of skydiving. This is the parachuting gear.

The basic parachuting gear is the jumpsuit. Others use a wing suit. Any skydiver will tell you the importance of a jumpsuit. Imagine if one wears jeans and a tank top during a dive. The clothes would well be torn into pieces because of the pressure from the winds. A jumpsuit protects you from the winds, sun and other elements.

It also protects you as you land. Not all landings are perfect. Others land on their back, or your parachute can be caught in a tree, causing you to bruise against the branches. A good jumpsuit must be able to protect you from scratches, cuts and bruises.

Aside from the jumpsuit, other pieces which a skydiver must have include protective gear. Helmet, padding and spinal protector are just among the few gadgets that you must wear. Choose the gear that would best suit you.

In choosing the right gear, choose one which is made of some durable material, one that does not easily tear or break when exposed to heavy winds. It must also be heat-resistant and waterproof.

Also, make sure that the suit fits you well. A suit that is too tight restricts your movement, aside from the fact that it may break or tear upon pressure. One that is too loose may also open easily when subjected to strong winds.

There are some sports shops or specialty shops which sell these types of apparel. You may also visit some websites and make an online purchase. Seek advice from your trainer or other professional skydivers as to which apparel or style is better in terms of performance and cost.

If you want a perfect-fitting jumpsuit, you can have it tailor-made. There are some tailoring shops which specialize in making skydiving gear. Although this may be a little more costly than the ready-made ones, the comfort that a perfect-fitting jumpsuit brings to the user is priceless.

While a new jumpsuit may be ideal, for those who are in a tight budget, there are also used materials that you can find. Ask the sales person from your local sports store or some specialty shop if they have any second-hand apparel for sale. Or your new friends in the skydiving club may have some extra gear that they can sell to you.

Because of the forces of nature that a skydiver is exposed to, it is therefore important to invest on some hard-wearing parachuting gear. The gear need not be expensive. The important thing to consider is your comfort and your safety. The gear must be able to protect you as you go through the experience of skydiving.

And it must be comfortable so that you will enjoy the experience. Otherwise, all the skydiving lessons and practice that you did will be put to waste if you don't wear the perfect gear during the dive.

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