Knowhow-Now Article

Pets And Road Trips: The How To Guide

Pets are much like kids when it comes to traveling. That means they get tired, thirsty, hungry and have to go to the bathroom a lot. It isn't fair to cram them into a car and expect them to sit like an angel the whole way. That is why you have to prepare for the trip to ensure they are comfortable so that you too can be happy.

Tip: Do not bring anything valuable that you will not need. The more valuables you bring with you, the more chance you have of losing one or more of them or possibly having them stolen.

Bring along a toy they love or their pet bed so they have something from home to help them relax. Even one of your old shirts can be used as a blanket for them to cuddle with. When it smells like you or their home, they will be less anxious. It also gives them a soft spot to rest or something to play with while they go for the ride.

Tip: Be wise about food allergies when visiting a foreign country to avoid dangerous liaisons. If you have food allergies that tend to be severe, it is important for you to learn terminology for words pertaining to foods and their preparation so that you can prevent an allergic reaction.

Make sure to feed them on the same schedule you do at home. They should be given access to water at least once an hour as well, especially if it is hot in the car. Within two hours after that, they will likely need to go to the bathroom. Be sure to stop on the side of the road so they can do their business, or supply a cat with a litter box to use.

Tip: In some countries, criminals will pose as the authorities to get the jump on you. Be sure your passport is in your possession at all times, and never give it to anyone.

When you stop, don't rush back to the car when they're done. Go for a little walk so they can stretch their legs out, and you can, too. That helps to relieve some pent-up energy and get blood flowing as it should be. It helps to ease the mind as well as a bit of freedom in the great outdoors helps the mind relax.

Tip: Try to purchase tickets to amusement parks in advance so that you could print them out. Sometimes you can get a good deal, or even if you don't, the small fee you pay is worth it, as you will get to skip the long admission lines.

Don't do your trip in silence. Be sure to talk to your pet as you travel, or at least talk to whoever is in the car with you. If they can't hear you, they may feel scared that you have left, if they can't see you. When they hear your voice they know they aren't alone, and that will give them the reassurance they need to calm down.

Tip: Always tip the housekeeper and bell station. For bell hops, tip a dollar for every bag they carry.

If your pet gets sick on the trip, put a blanket under them to keep the mess off your seats. Don't feed them anymore, but do provide them with water. An animal which is throwing up can easily become dehydrated, so constant access to water is a must. Consider holding your pet to see if that helps as sometimes the extra support can keep their nerves at bay.

Tip: Wear simple slip-on shoes for flying. Understand that your shoes must be removed during security checks.

Be sure to open the window a crack so they can have some fresh air and a nice breeze to keep them cool. Don't open the window so much that they can get their head out as a car ahead of you can kick up a rock which could injure your pet. Just a small space of about an inch is all you need.

When you have to bring your pet on a long car trip, make it as comfortable as possible by following these tips. That will ensure that everyone arrives happy and stress-free. Your pet will bring you joy while you are away, and you will ensure they have a great trip, too.

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