Knowhow-Now Article

Bonding and gelling as a working team isn't merely a case of maintaining good colleague relations with your co-workers - it is much more. Different personalities in the office can sometimes clash but ultimately they need to appreciate and respect each other. Respect is the key.

This is precisely why it is important to schedule team-building events into your company calendar with the aim of allowing them to be the best team possible. Starting out with great staff is the recipe for success.

Therefore has come up with lots of ways you can bring your team together and if you give them a go for yourselves you will see how perhaps your Atlanta workers can achieve a stronger bond with the rest of your team.

1) Let your staff know why you are bringing them together for a team building exercise. By not telling your staff the reasons for team building meetings they may start to worry, they could think that you are bringing them together for assessment or redundancies. So make it clear that you have good reasons for bringing them together in order to develop stronger working relationships. By doing this they will start to enjoy the activity and may even open up and approach the task of getting to know co-workers with an open mind.

2) Team building is all about relaxing and enjoying different activities to work with colleagues. It is not ideal for your workers to be dreading team building or to be nervous about winning or being the best. Don't forget to remind your staff, particularly those who are taking it too seriously, that it is only for fun. If you see a co-worker feeling uncomfortable and looking like they aren't having much fun ask them about their concerns and tell them it is okay to participate at their own speed.

3) Regardless of the activity make sure everyone gets involved. Team building is not just a fun experience for the extroverts it is for the whole team, so don't let the quieter ones get lost in the crowd. Pick inclusive games that get the entire office working together. Make sure everybody feels involved in the running of each task or else you will be missing out on a really important reason for the day.

4) Ask an expert in team building activities to help. There are companies based in Atlanta that know exactly how a team building day should be run, so you may want to let them plan the day and arrange the activities so you can concentrate on bringing your team together. But if you do this you should still take an active part in the activities, remember that you are part of the team too and you want to show leadership skills as well as appearing approachable. In fact, a lot of companies that take an Atlanta office from hire the services of Atlanta-based team building experts.

5) Leave sufficient time to conclude and give staff time to feedback ideas. When you have wrapped up the day, gather your colleagues in a circle have them describe the highlights and let them respond to the objectives of the day. Which activity was the most helpful in developing their team building skills? Did they get to mix with any colleagues they hadn't met before? Did they learn anything about themselves over the course of the day? Do your staff feel like they have achieved new working relationships as a result? Do they have any suggestions for how the day could be improved upon?

So if your team is keen to join in on a fun day then you should arrange a team building day in Atlanta.

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