Knowhow-Now Article

Plasma Or "Normal" TV

There is a lot of hype going on over the much
publicized plasma screens and the older TVs. Why
choose plasma at all? Well the answer is simple.
Quality and style.
Our usual TVs depend on the cathode ray to beam the
picture onto the screen. That means the bigger the
screen the bigger the TV. Some larger sized models are
very heavy and take up a significant amount of room.
Plasma screens on the other hand are rarely more than
four inches in depth no matter what screen size they
are. This means that they can be hung from the wall or
ceiling, be housed in slim-line cabinets with a lift'
at the end of the bed or even stood elegantly on their
own stand.
Then there is the quality of the picture to consider.
Plasma screens are perfectly flat and don't distort
the image at the outer edges. The viewing angle is
also much wider meaning that no matter where you sit
in the room you can probably see the entire screen.
As for sharpness and brightness, well, the plasma wins
hands down. These screens have literally thousands of
pixels each emanating its own color range making for
sharp and clear images beyond anything that we have
experienced before.
But there is a down side to this new innovation. That
is the cost. Although the price of these screens have
decreased significantly over the past few years they
are still considered expensive by any standard.

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