Knowhow-Now Article

Plasma TVs Reviewed

Almost every major television manufacturer is jumping on
the plasma television band wagon. With so many makes and
models to choose from, the options available to the
consumer can get confusing.
Here are three of the highest rated plasma televisions on
the market from three different manufacturers.
The Vizio P50 is one of the most highly recommended plasma
televisions on the market. Experts like it due to its
picture clarity, and the way it outperforms most other
plasma televisions on the market in the way it displays a
standard television signal.
This 50" television is one of the best around for the
consumer with a smaller budget than most, but it is advised
that consumers adjust the picture to their preferences once
the get it home and set up.
Approximate price for this television is $1,300.00.
Panasonic's TH50PZ700U is another 50" plasma television set
that has been rated as one of the best for 1080p
This television set has some of the best black levels
available, something some plasma televisions lack in.
Experts like the color quality, contrast, and shadowing.
Some critics of this television set question whether or not
1080p resolution is any better than 720p.
This television can be purchased for around $2,600.00
The KURO PDP-5080HD by Pioneer is a 50", 720p plasma
television that has the most cinematic image quality
This flat paneled television displays rich, well-saturated
colors and black levels'. It is also packed with features
including speakers, built-in tuner and V-chip parental
The biggest downfall of this particular television set is
the price compared to others in its class.
A consumer doesn't have to break the bank in order to
purchase a good plasma television.

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