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The general concept of psychology explained in world wide Psychology Books says it is the study of the human brain, behavior and mind in his day to day life. It is usually said that when it comes to creative thinking the human brain makes use of right –side brain and when it comes to logical thinking, mathematical solution, and he uses left side of the brain. But the best results are given by the brain when the combination of right and left side of the brain has been used, be it creative thinking or non-creative thinking. The psychology has been an intense topic now-a-days because every person wants to know what a person's mind thinks and he reacts to a situation when it is worse or when it is the best. Such concepts are briefly explained in various Psychology Books available in the market.

We usually see that an individual usually develop a specific type of psychology through the stories, incidents we hear, read and see around. The stories they hear, the journey’s they hear about, they start comparing their life with such stories and journeys. Their psychology usually revolves around such stories and they never apply any logic or any explanation of why, what and how. This simple understanding of human psychology is been missing in many Psychology books written rather they have kept their focus on the complex concepts of understanding the human mind.

The psychology of the human being is also related to the way the human communicates in different situation. The words that come out of a person’s mouth represent his thinking and way of approaching people. Words matter, because it shows what the current psychic situation of the person is. And when the words are wrong it creates a thin line between success and failure. This is what explained in the book called ‘What to Say to get your Way’. The book states that a person’s word help manipulate or turn the situations in self-favor and playing with the psychology of other human beings. A person interested to understand the psychology of human must read this related book ‘What to Say to get your Way’.

Looking at the changing scenario of today’s generation’s psychology, different Psychology books are being introduced in market at varying cost from Indian authors to international authors. The Book Prices in India start from Rs.250 to Rs.575 (Indian Authors), Rs.1500 (for International Authors.)

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