Knowhow-Now Article

PurePoint Golf Lessons – Keeping The Ball Low

Copyright 2006 David Nevogt

Tip: You may need to adjust your grip or the size of your club when you swing too fast, or when you club isn't guiding you through your golf swing. Using a heavier club can help you focus on swinging all the way through the shot.

Hi, I’m Bobby Eldridge, head professional at PurePoint Golf Academy. If you have been struggling with hitting the golf ball low on purpose or high on purpose, then I have some golf lessons for you.

Tip: Don't wear sneaker golf shoes in the early morning when the dew is still on the grass. While some brands are waterproof, most of the shoes will soak up too much water when playing on grass that is wet.

Let’s start with the golf ball that you’re trying to hit as low as you can and hit a quality golf shot. Sometimes you're faced with this shot when you’ve hit it off the fairway and you have a tree in front of you. You’re a little worried about, “Can I get to the green and hit the golf ball low on the ground?”

Tip: Bunkers and sand traps are a fact of life for every golfer, regardless of skill level. At some point in your games, your shot will land in one of these.

The next shot you’re worried about is, “Can I get over the tree and get the golf ball on the green?” Sometimes you try to have your cake and eat it too. These golf lessons are going to tell you how to hit the golf ball low on purpose and then how to hit the golf ball high on purpose.

Tip: It is important that you stay alert during a game of golf. Be prepared to take your shot when it's your turn.

For starters, make sure that when you reach into your golf bag, before you take out a golf club, that you see the picture of the shot you're trying to hit.

Tip: Always stand a few feet behind your golf ball, and keep your gaze on the spot where you want it to land. Take time to incorporate variables for wind direction and other determining conditions.

If you want to try to keep the golf ball in the air as it goes underneath the tree, you’ll want to pick a low lofted golf club, one that has a flatter face. I suggest going with a 7 iron.

Tip: You can find flaws in your stance by using a toe-wiggling exercise. If it is difficult to wiggle your toes when preparing to swing your club, this indicates you are leaning too far towards the ball.

The method that you want to be really careful of and make sure that you get it right on before you start the swing, is have the ball back in your stance, across from your right foot, a little weight on your left leg, and have the handle over on your left leg.

This will ensure that the golf ball doesn’t go up in the air. From here all you have to remember is that it’s a low follow-through.

Tip: Therefore, you should stretch prior to playing, and always drink lots of water. Taking mindful care of your physique contributes to your success on the golf course.

You want to make sure that you keep your weight on your left leg during the backswing, but that you follow through low so the golf ball has a running effect and it won’t get up in the air and hit the trees.

Tip: If you want to hit a good fade, tighten up your grip. One of the least understood parts of golf is how the grip impacts the swing.

This is what a lot of us do. We start on our left side, we go back on our right side, and then we wind up hitting the golf ball up in the tree.

One last time: ball back in your stance, handle over toward your left pant leg, weight on your left let, arms up and down. If you follow these golf lessons, the golf ball will take off running and go underneath the tree.

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