Knowhow-Now Article

PurePoint Golf Training Aid For Hitting Your Driver And Golf Tips For Driving Better

Copyright 2006 David Nevogt

Tip: When buying used golf clubs, carefully examine the club head. Clubs that have been used too much in the past, oftentimes, have a shiny, worn spot.

Do you struggle hitting your driver? Some of you tee the golf ball low, thinking that you will be able to drive the golf ball through the air at a different trajectory. And those of you that tee it high think that that will make it soar through the air.

Tip: Stand so that your left hand is in front of the ball when preparing to putt. Sustain this position as you take your swing and follow through on your stroke.

You thought that when you went out and purchased that 8- degree titanium boron shaft with a super-duper new grip, that it was going to drive down the middle of every fairway. Or maybe you purchased the newest golf training aid and you think you’ll be more consistent overnight. I don’t think so.

Tip: Try to focus on the speed that you hit the golf ball when you are going for a long putt. Do not concentrate solely on your aim; you should aim for a target that is between the ball and the hole.

Now here are the golf tips for driving better. The lower you tee a golf ball, the more your chance will be that you slice the ball to the right. The higher you tee the golf ball, the more your chance will be for you to hook the golf ball to the left.

If you're hooking the golf ball, tee it down a little lower. If you're slicing the golf ball, tee it up a little higher. And here’s why.

Tip: You may want to ask the advice of a golf pro when deciding which new clubs to buy. The information they can provide will be instrumental in purchasing the correct clubs for you, because they can tell you which type will fit you best and data about cutting edge products.

When the golf ball sits on the ground and it’s a little lower than it should be, the golf club has to come in on a steep angle and that will cause it to slice. On the other hand, if you tee it up a little higher, it will come in and enable the club face to close a little quicker.

Now, here’s the golf training aid on what to do on the first few holes.

Tip: Make the next round with your golfing buddies interesting by placing a little wager. The reward could be a round of drinks, lunch, or even wagering based on each putt rather than the whole ending score.

My driver has 8 degrees of loft. That means the face is very flat. If I happen to have the club face a little too open or a little too closed at impact, the flight of the ball will either go to the far right or to the far left.

Tip: If you find yourself with limited time for practice, emphasize your short game. Develop your ability to put and chip balls.

Therefore, I decided to use my great little 3 wood, and no matter what I do, I might miss it, but it won’t curve as much as if I used my driver.

Tip: Before taking a shot, go to the driving range to warm up. By taking a quick moment to strike a few balls, you will make sure you have at least a little bit of a groove before beginning your round.

So, I hit the golf ball with my 3 wood and guess what. It went into the rough, but not as far into the rough because I went with a more lofted golf club for the first few holes.

So, the next time you go play, remember this golf training aid for hitting your driver. You don’t have to pull the driver out every time you get on the tee box. Maybe you don’t use your driver for the first two or three holes until you get a little warmed up, but in the meantime, take your favorite lofted wood and give it a whack.

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