Knowhow-Now Article

Have you ever encountered any city without a restaurant? Even small towns have variety of food corners, taverns, inns. Can you measure its growth rate for real? No! But we can measure somehow the need to establish a brand mark for this business.

What is this brand mark identity?

If you don’t know then let me tell you that it is a small piece of graphical representation which takes full responsibly to boost up the particular business. Trying your hands in a restaurant business is no way a bad idea but if you are not a smart business owner then I don’t know if you will be able to take your business on the top or not.

Famous foods restaurants like Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Italian etc are the biggest example of managing business smartly. What I mean to say is they have not only launched their business well but has developed immensely useful marketing schemes as well.

Have you ever seen Mexican restaurant logos design?

If you have not then have a search and see why they are considered to be the best representation globally? You will find them very spicy, scrumptious and yummy. Green and red chilies are their specialties and so you will find these two particular things in almost every Mexican food corner’s brand mark. Colors that you will find common are red, green, yellow and orange. In short, colors that are dark and present a spicy taste are mostly preferred when it comes to these brand marks.

There are many other Mexican food restaurants that have designed their brand marks using their specialties. Have a search and you will find many brand marks containing tortillas, Frijoles (beans), Tequila, Salsa, Cerveza etc. This is how; they exhibit what they are good at.

Besides the preceding cuisine, there are many other famous inns that are opened worldwide because of the delicious and sumptuous taste they offer. What sparks in your mind when I say Sicillia, Calabria, Puglia, Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giuliaand?

Obviously the centre point of world arts, Italy, it is not only famous for the tower of Pisa, La Sapienza University and Rome, it is known for the delicious cuisines worldwide. It can be considered on top when we talk about the number of restaurants that especially provides Italian dishes globally.

Therefore, there are thousands of Italian restaurant logos worldwide as well that represents their inns in style. What I have found about these brand marks is that they often incorporate pizza in them. Other important objects that are often employed are chefs, forks, spoons and knife. Most of the time, graphic designers and the food inn owner prefer using their name in special Italian style. That’s how they like to design their brand mark.

Hence, there are many other famous world cuisines like Indian, Chinese and Pakistani which can be studied if you want to get your restaurant brand mark identity in your hands. I hope the preceding article will be very useful for you to help build your knowledge about corporate identities.

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