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3G Demonstrations

Although 3G is already one of the most common features among handsets today, there are several innovations and changes that had to be done to get it working the way it is at present. Several countries and mobile networks introduced various technologies and efficiencies, through demonstrations to hopefully appeal to the customers that need 3G the most. Here are some more details on the development of the technology.

First Demonstration

m.Net Corporation created the first pre-commercial demonstration in Adelaide, South Australia, for the southern hemisphere in February 2002. UMTS on 2100 MHz was used for the demo. The demonstration network was made for the 2002 IT World Congress. Hutchison Telecommunications launched the first commercial 3G network, called Three, in April 2003.

As of December 2007, there were 190 3G networks functioning in 40 nations, with 150 HSDPA networks operating in 71 nations, according to the GSA or Global Mobile Suppliers Association. Telecommunications use W-CDMA technology in the United States, Europe, Asia and Canada, together with the support of about 100 terminal styles to function 3G mobile networks.

More on 3G Networks

In Europe, there were volume market commercial 3G services introduced and launched beginning in March 2003. This was by nations, namely the United Kingdom, Italy and a part of Hutchison Whampoa. 3G operators were suggested by the European Union Council to cover 80% of the European national populations as 2005 ends.

Roll-out of 3G networks were also delayed in a number of nations through the big prices of added spectrum licensing costs and fees. In several nations, 3G networks do not apply similar radio frequencies as 2G, so mobile operators should create wholly new netowrks and permit totally new frequencies.

The United States is an exception since carriers function 3G service via the same frequencies as other given services. The license fees in a number of European nations also  tend to be high, pushed by sealed bid auctions, the growing excitement over the effects and potential of 3G technology and the government auctions of a certain number of licenses. The expenses of upgrading tools and equipment for new systems also triggered more delays.

Getting Connected

As of June 2007, there are already over 200 million 3G subscribers connected. The number, however, comprises only 6.7% of the 3 billion total number of mobile phone subscriptions all over the world. Japan and South Korea were the very first nations to be connected and launched the 3G, so over 70% of the total mobile phone subscriptions are connected. Italy has the highest number of connections in Europe with 33% of subscribers having the technology. Other countries that also lead include the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia and Austria, with over 20% 3G migration.

Licenses and Connection

A statistic that might confuse you are counting 3G clients together with CDMA 2000 1x RTT. Via the definition, the total 3G subscriber based with be around 475 million as of June 2007, with 15.8% of all subscribers around the globe. A lot of big countries like Indonesia have not yet been given 3G licenses, as more and more clients await the service. China has postponed the decision to get 3G for several years.

In May 2008, China decided that three 3G networks will be given to China Mobile, the biggest mobile operator. The telecommunications sector in the country has been re-organized.

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