Knowhow-Now Article

Managing a large network can be a security nightmare, particularly with the range of different platforms and devices that you have to secure. A large, complex network is usually more vulnerable than a small one, and since any network is only as strong as its weakest device, one laptop or smartphone can bring down the entire system. So, with the Internet making the business world more portable, what can the network security manager do to ensure that the network remains secure, regardless of compatibility or the number of devices used?

The first step is to choose security software that is compatible across different platforms and operating systems. This extends to more than just Windows or Mac, but includes smartphone operating systems like Android as well. Having compatible security software is imperative if your network is to become and remain secure, regardless of the different devices used. This involves not only securing software in the first instance, but constantly monitoring new devices and operating systems in order to scan for viruses and security compromises on an on-going basis.

It is also imperative to choose software that can monitor programmes and plug-ins from a range of different sources. It is no good choosing software that expertly scans an operating system, and yet is vulnerable to new programmes, since this is one of the primary sources of viruses and other security breaches. Third party programmes are nearly four times as likely to be compromised as Microsoft products, so staying on top of programme use and downloads is a vital part of securing your network.

High-quality security software will give you an intuitive and easy to manage interface so that you will be able to keep track of devices, add new ones easily, and manage patch settings according to frequent updates. This, more than anything, makes or breaks a piece of security software, particularly one that is designed to function across a whole network. If a piece of software is difficult to manage, then it is easy to lose track of necessary updates, and to forget about certain devices. This undermines the very rationale of a network security manager.

Finally, any good network security software will strike a balance between regular scans and important updates. The former are designed to provide a constant monitoring service, and to ensure that you are updated with the progress and status of patches as well as programme security. The latter are immediate and instant updates of problems and compromises. Having both will keep your long-term and short-term security manageable, and will mean that you can stay on top of all potentially hazardous changes that take place within the network.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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