Knowhow-Now Article

Severe Lower Back Pain

Another known issue would be posture and how you approach it. People who are generally slouches are known to have issues with your backs. Consistently having bad posture while being obese could easily be a recipe for severe lower back pain.

Furthermore, while these two reasons may be two main issues when it comes to severe lower back pain, you must understand that if you are an active person and you suffer from severe lower back pain, there could be some medical reason. You see, what you should also be concerned about is whether or not you are looking after yourself properly. More often than not, what you must understand is that if you are suffering from severe lower back pain then there may be problems with your spine. Now this is rather serious and it is urged that you seek some medical attention as soon as it is possible.

Tip: It is important to have an office chair that gives you enough support for your lower back. Poor lumbar support is the source of a lot of back pain.

See, the issue with severe lower back pain is that most people think some home remedy will work. While this would be a great short term remedy when it comes to a nagging back, if you are in intense pain all of the time you need to get to a hospital fast. All in all, the fact of the matter is that there are issues that pertain to a bad spine such as for instance a herniated disc which will need urgent medical attention.

It is pointless to act gung-ho in the face of severe lower back pain since if pain really is an issue there could be something worse that is present. Considering this fact, it is best that you get rid of strenuous physical activity and rest. Indubitably, this would also be the advice that is given by a doctor. Another thing that you do need to be warned about if you are suffering from severe lower back pain is that you should never at any point self mediate yourself. Do not think that just because you pop in a few painkillers you will be fine the next day. One thing that you do need to know about painkillers is that they just mask the pain and does not get rid of t he root problem. With severe lower back pain, what you need to do is to address the core issue.

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