Knowhow-Now Article

Simple Tips To Help You Save Money

Are you trying to save money, but finding it difficult in light of our struggling economy? You are not alone! Millions of people are in the same tight spot, just getting by, paycheck to paycheck, trying to make ends meet. Here, you will find some tips along with good advice to help you keep your money where you need it most- in your pocketbook!

A great place to begin saving money is at the grocery store. Many shoppers go in without a shopping list, and exit with a cart-full of unneeded items. The best way to shop is with a pre-planned list that you stick to like glue. Buy what is on the list, and avoid any unplanned purchases. Stores position tempting items in eye-catching places, but if you don't look around, you can get out with just what you need.

Another tip for successful grocery shopping is using coupons and generic products. Clipping coupons is currently a craze, and shoppers frequently save anywhere from five or ten dollars, up to hundreds each month. You can clip a little, or go all out and get many items free or very cheap. Don't make the mistake of assuming that name-brand products are of higher quality than generics. Generic products are often as good or better than their more spendy counterparts. And you may not know, but generics are often made by the same companies that produce the more expensive varieties! So, don't be afraid to try generics for some great savings.

Have a yearly or bi-yearly garage sale. Get the neighbors on board and call it a neighborhood sale, and you will be surprised to see how many shoppers will show up. Get together any old, extra or unused items and sell them for some extra cash. A good rule of thumb is: if it hasn't been used for 6 months, you probably don't need it. The income from your sale can be put toward paying off a credit card, or deposited in a savings account.

Learn to resist sales! It may seem smart to stock up on sale items, such as shoes and clothing. However, sometimes more money is spent on items just because they are on sale. And credit cards are often used to purchase sale items, with the finance charges pushing them up to and over the original prices. Remember, only buy what you really need.

Another tip for online shoppers is to look for online coupons to use when purchasing from a website. Do some research to find coupon codes and other savings offers. Many stores offer online savings especially for their online customers.

It is said time and again, but it is vital to pay off credit card debt. When you consider that $10,000 of debt can take up to 30 years to pay off, it really makes sense! Consider consolidating all balances onto one card or apply for a home-equity loan to pay them off. Always keep one credit card open for credit-building purposes. Lenders like to see that you can manage some debt if they are considering loaning you money for a large purchase, such as a home.

These are just a few ways you can start saving money and avoid unnecessary spending. The ways to save are almost limitless. Use your knowledge of these basics and learn some of your own. Soon you will have money left over after all your bills are paid. And that's a recipe for peace and financial security!

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