Knowhow-Now Article

Securing a network with automated patch management can be tricky, with issues related to viruses and deliberate security breaches being common in this day and age. Across a whole network, it can be tricky to monitor programmes on every device, particularly considering the range of platforms involved. However, as network manager, there is a range of tools that you can use in order to stay on top of security. With a quality software package, you will be able to customise software to your own system as well as improve your diagnostics, meaning you can improve your system security comprehensively, across a range of devices.

Although patches are readily available to fix vulnerabilities on your network, knowing which patches to use can be difficult, particularly across a large network, operating with a variety of platforms. For large companies, integrated software packages can not only help you constantly monitor the vulnerability of the system, but also advises as to the compliance state of the network. Furthermore, this automated system can provide you with an overview of the general performance of the network regarding security breaches and threat assessments. Most patch management devices are compatible with a range of operating systems, meaning that you can work across a range of different devices without compromising security.

With a modern patch software tool, it is possible to classify and segment different programmes within your network. Most patch management software will inform you of the insecure programmes, as well as those that have an out of date patch status. This means that you can monitor the vulnerability of your system, and quickly and easily identify areas of potential problems. In addition, you can scan programmes of different origins in order to be sure of the security of new programmes, as well as those that are downloaded from the Internet.

With automated patch management, you can manage your patch installations as well as monitor overall vulnerabilities within the system. This will help you stay on top of security issues, as well as take preventative rather than reactive action. Choosing and installing the right software patch is only one part of the issue, as well as constantly monitoring vulnerable programmes and running regular scans. Customising your software to your own network will improve functionality and will mean that you can respond better to the ever-increasing threats of hacking, viruses and fraud. This will ensure that your network remains secure, regardless of number of devices or the specific demands of your system.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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Securing a prolific security package needn’t be harder than securing one single device. With automated patch management, you can make sure even the most complex security packages remain effective.
01.02.2012 · From froy