Knowhow-Now Article

Solid Safety Tips For Your Next Vacation

Traveling is an exciting experience. There are so many new experiences to take in with each new destination. As you are enjoying your new experiences, it is important that you keep in mind safety measure during your travel. A foreign country has many unknowns. If you are unfamiliar with the territory, taking precautions becomes especially important. If you want some solid advice on ensuring safe travel on your next trip, read over the information in this article.

It is always a good idea to give a reliable friend or a family member back home a copy of your travel itinerary. This way, there is always someone who knows where you are supposed to be. If If you change your travel plans, be sure tell your friend as well. Check in with your friends and family occasionally. Send them an email to tell them what you are doing and where you plan to go the next day.

Tip: It's important to tip the housekeeper and bell station well. The bell boy should get a bare minimum of $1/bag, and housekeeping should get at least a couple dollars a day.

A good practice is make a copy of your travel papers and IDs, and keep them separately from your originals. In the unfortunate event that you had misplaced your documents, you can use the photocopies to get your papers replaced at the U.S. Consulate. Keep important papers on your person, and if you are traveling to a foreign country, you should always carry your passport.

Stay up to date with the events and news of your travel destination. Especially when you are traveling to a foreign land, you should be aware of anything that will impact your travel. Things like a cultural holiday celebration or special event can affect your ability to travel through the town. You can get updates on local news from the Internet.

Tip: If you plan on camping or hiking, it is important that you obtain and carry maps of the locations you plan to visit. You should bring a GPS, or at least a compass to help you get your bearings if you become lost or disoriented in the woods.

Try not to attract a lot of attention when you are in a new land. In a foreign country, locals can tell whether or not you are a tourist. However, that does not mean that you have to look like one. Hanging your camera equipment around your neck is a dead giveaway. Find out what kind of clothes people where over there and dress in similar garb. If the local towns people like to wear neutral colors, and you are decked out in a colorful Hawaiian-print shirt and shorts, you will very likely attract attention.

If you are traveling to a foreign land, check your cell phone plan to see if it will work there. If not, explore pre-paid phone alternatives just for the duration of your stay. This assure you that you will have a working phone in an emergency.

Tip: Bottled water is a necessity if you are visiting a foreign country. Drinking water in a foreign country can lead to stomach problems.

Do some research on the areas that are not conducive to tourists. Every place has a high-crime area. You should find out where these locations are and stay away from them. Consult with your hotel's concierge for additional suggestions.

Make sure you know where the U.S. Consulate or Embassy is. If you ever get into a dispute with foreign laws, these U.S. entities will help you sort out the problem.

If you take precautions when you travel, you can ensure yourself of a safe trip. Follow the advice above, and you can free your mind from worrying.

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