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401k plans are the main source of retirement income for most Americans. The 401k is a way to put aside money for when you are much older and do not have to pay a high amount of taxes on the earnings. Only a few decades old, there are now more than 65 million 401k accounts being used and a huge amount of money is obviously involved. As with any type of investment, you should always be cautious about what is happening with your money, and take the time to learn about the different 401k rules, as well as seek advice from experienced professionals. That being said, there are numerous benefits with 401k investment plans, hence their popularity.

The main benefit that a 401k plan provides is tax breaks. Before there was a 401k investment option, most taxpayers had little choice but to pay higher taxes on the money they tried to save. This had the effect of reducing the value of their investments and led to the creation of a new section in the Internal Revenue Code. The way it works in principle is that the taxpayer puts money into their 401k and does not have to pay tax on it or the money it earns, until he or she makes a withdrawal. Presumably, the taxpayer will be retired when they need to access the funds in their 401k and therefore will be in a much lower tax bracket than they were when employed and putting the money aside.

In addition to a good deal on how you are taxed on your 401k savings, a 401k plan also tends to involve matching contributions by your employer. This is a very beneficial process for the employee, as a percentage of whatever gets put into a 401k will be matched by the employer. So a system of 75% matching contributions would mean that the company will give you $750 if you put $1000 in your 401k. This is a gift of money, essentially, and is a large reason why 401k plans are so popular.

401k retirement plans also offer the ability of the investor to invest his or her money into a variety of different funds. This allows the investor to diversify their investments the way they feel comfortable doing. Some people are more aggressive with their finances and are willing to store money in equities that are much more volatile but also offer the chance of higher returns if the investor is able to ride out the lows that typically occur during a long-term investment. More lower-risk funds can be chosen, especially as the investor gets closer to retirement age and will need access to the money in the accounts.

401k plans offer lots of incentives to save and to save early. From tax breaks to matching contributions by the employer, there's no reason not to take advantage of what the system has to offer. For those people who are interested in investing and other financial matters, further research can be done to learn about other ways to maximize your 401k investment.a

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