Knowhow-Now Article

Sound Advice On Getting Your House Ready For Sale

You and your family have decided to move, and you are getting ready to sell your house. No doubt you want top dollar for it. Real estate brokers know all about how to stage a house so that it appeals to as many types of buyers as possible. This is a time when you have to set aside your personal preferences and tastes, and try to see things from a buyer's perspective. Here are some tips on how you can get your house ready for sale.

The first thing that you should do is to declutter your home. In your daily life at home, you have a certain routine, and you have personal property lying around the house that is part of your routine. A basket of unsorted mail in the family room, an area with toys where your kids play freely, a kitchen counter full of gadgets and utensils may be perfectly fine in the normal course of living, but to a home buyer who is not part of that routine, these extra things lying around can make a room look messy. So, clear those shelves and put away things that are not an essential part of the room.

Tip: It can be a nuisance at times to attend to those little odd jobs around the house, such as minor repairs or touch-up painting. However, as you let these tasks fall by the wayside, they begin to pile up on you.

This may be a good time to start packing away things that you do not use everyday. Sort through what you have. Get a bunch of moving cartons and start packing things away. Label each box so you will know at a glance what is inside. Move those boxes to your garage and away from the main part of your house.

Look around each room and write down things that need to repaired. Is there paint that is chipped? Are there any broken window panes? Anything broken needs to be fixed because even the smallest thing can give off a bad impression that the house is not kept up properly. If you want top dollar for your house, your house has to look perfect.

Tip: It's the listed price. The object here is to market to as large a market as possible, and this means setting an affordable price for the home.

Sometimes you can make something look new again by just making a small, inexpensive fix. If the brass light fixtures are tarnished, apply a good polish to make them shine again. If the wood cabinets have scratches on them, a good wood polish will take that right off.

Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms because these rooms are the most heavily used. Clean them so they are spotless. Put away your extra pots and pans in your kitchen and keep your countertop as clear as possible to give the impression of a big, roomy kitchen. Put away your personal toiletry items in your bathroom, and keep the sink area squeaky clean. Use an air freshener to keep the bathroom smelling fresh. If your shower curtain has soap scum stuck to it that is hard to clean off, just replace it.

Don't forget to improve your house's curb appeal. Spiff up your landscaping. Plant flowers around to add some color to the landscaping.

These are simple things that you can do to stage your house effectively. Do this right, and watch those multiple offers come in.

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