Knowhow-Now Article

Stay In Touch While Traveling For Business

When you travel for business you communicating with the people at the office can sometimes be difficult. If you are a manager or a project leader, your need to stay in touch with your team and what is going on at all times is crucial. It would seem that this need is at cross-purposes with the idea of business travel. But with modern technology and a bit of coordination on your part, you can maintain a reasonable level of connectivity to your important projects and team activities even while driving in the rental car or waiting out a flight at the airport.

Tip: Brushing your dogs before travel is a great idea. Doing so helps to reduce loose hair.

The actual technology you use to stay connected may change over time. Whereas in the past we could only use pay phones at airports, we have evolved technologically so you can travel and access your network via your cell phone, wireless PC or an assortment of other devices. So the first step is to identify the type of technology that satisfies your need for connectivity as well as enabling you to work productively in diverse locations such as the airport, your airplane seat or your hotel room.

Tip: Make travel a learning experience for you and your family. Traveling to foreign lands provides you with an ideal opportunity to teach your children about the workings of the world beyond your own country, and, with just a few sensible precautions, it is also completely safe.

As you conduct a technical review of the available technology, be careful to research the durability of the equipment you are taking on the road. You may be able to afford the most sophisticated equipment on the market today. But if that equipment cannot survive the rigors of travel including being banged around in your luggage, exposure to heat, cold and moisture or just about any other harsh condition you might throw it into, it isn’t going to be the kind of equipment you want by your side on a long business trip.

Tip: Use caution with any emails you may receive about travel deals. Unless you specifically asked for the emails, don't open them.

Once you settle on the equipment, you should configure it or have it configured for internet access as well as the ability to tap into your corporate intranet and network. It is crucial that you can communicate with your team and access corporate files so you can stay on top of what is going on with your projects at home. For example, if you have your project team file status reports each Friday morning, you must be able to review those and give directions for action items to take that come from those reports quickly and efficiently, even if you are on a ten hour flight from Europe.

Tip: Keep your most important information and items close to you at all times. When carrying a purse, make sure you keep it tucked under your arm.

To manage your phone contacts, the idea of just putting the “out of office” auto-answer on your office message service is so last decade. Instead, you can forward your office phone to your cell phone and receive your phone calls in remote so you can conduct your business as though you were on site throughout your trip.

There is adequate technology available currently for you to be able to access and operate your desktop computer back on your desk at the office even while traveling. One such service is But there are many such services or your IT department may have a methodology to enable that access that you can use if you get them involved in your trip planning. By accessing your PC daily or several times daily, you can activate your instance of Microsoft Outlook or whatever your email software is and read and respond to important business emails as you relax in your hotel room after your business meetings out of town.
These are just a few of the technologies that make it possible to perform virtually any function from remote that you could have done only in the office in the past. So don’t accept the limitations of the road. Make sure you can stay in touch with what is happening in the office so you can stay in control while you are on the road.

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