Knowhow-Now Article

Step One To Your Perfect Golf Vacation

It's just like the hamburger commercial; Have it your own way! Your annual golf outing deserves to be the best possible vacation. Make it your own way. Forget "the package" and design your own special, personalized group get away.

Tip: Sand traps and bunkers are eventually going to capture even the most experienced golfer's ball. Getting out of these bunkers can really mess the sand up.

In my last article, I gave an overview of how you can put together a terrific group golf vacation. In this article, I will go into much more detail concerning the organization and preparation. I have been setting up the ideal gathering for our group for 18 years. There are refinements every year and we think we have arrived at the optimum outing.

Tip: Know the ideal use of every club before you start playing. You can get your ball from the tee to the hold in far fewer strokes if you are able to choose the proper wood, wedge, iron or putter for each shot.

You will be driving this bus, so get the ball rolling. Do a little research and pick a location. This location should have plenty of vacation rental homes and a good selection of golf courses. You do not want to play the same course every day. You should be able to do most or all of your research online to find out about rental house and golf course specifics, including costs.

Tip: If you are struggling with a flight pattern that scatters the ball to your right, it is likely that, during your swing, you are shifting your body too far to the left. When you are in your downswing, focus on your hands being released towards the ball faster.

Get the word out to the troops. I like to send out a humorous email to introduce the event and then follow up with more emails and phone calls. I recommend you send out an email to everyone you think might be remotely interested about five months in advance. Some will not be able to make it due to family, work, interest, etc. You should hope to wind up with a group size around eight. Anywhere from six to twelve is great. Five people is the worst group size due to tee times. More than twelve is too hard to organize or find lodging in the same house.

Tip: Look for depressions and other damage as soon as your ball hits the green, especially if the ball traveled a long distance to get there. If your ball left a divot mark, repair the green.

Pick out a window of time. We usually grab the last week in February to get the northern gents out of the snow and still stay in the low rate season for the southern golf courses. As an example of an introductory email, you could send something like this:

Tip: There are many ways to save money playing golf, so you should look for discounts before heading out to play. You can find such discounts through a variety of means, including hitting the web, calling pro shops, or even actually looking at those junk mail circulars you get every week.

"It has come to my attention via the minions who surround me and perform my every whim that there may be those among you desiring driving sleet, incomprehensible wind chill, unplayable lies, unreachable par 3's, impossible odds, foot-wedging opponents, gross bending of the USGA rules, hairy greens, thick frost, lightening fast down-hillers, moguls, knee deep rough, more sand and water than water front property, Velcro removal during back swings, exploding coughs during precision chips, un-winnable stroke spreads complete with unyielding stroke givers and takers, 179-degree dog legs, and brutal rangers in leather and chains.

If this is the type of outing you've been dreaming about, keep dreaming. I can't make it happen. But picture this:

Tip: It is best that you pick a set of club that fits your own game. Keep in mind that people a century ago enjoyed golf with wooden clubs.

-A luxurious house with a separate bed for everyone.
-18 to 36 holes of golf per day on pristine courses.
-A gourmet meal every night.
-All the comforts, food and drink of home.
-Evening entertainment.
-Sensational camaraderie.

Tip: Before taking a shot, go to the driving range to warm up. Those practice shots will help you get your game warmed up and you will play better.

I am looking at an arrival date of (date) and departure date of (date). We will be gathering in (city, state). For a group of eight of us, and assuming we average 27 holes per day, your cost should be around $XXX for the housing, food, drink, golf and rental cars. (Note: Our cost per man for food and drink for seven days was $160 in 2005.) Please reply before (date) by answering:

What is the percentage chance you can come for these dates?
What is the percentage chance you could make other dates?
What dates would you prefer?
Other recommendations:"

Tip: It's important to keep your eye squarely on the ball. This advice might seem rather generic to any sport, but it goes double for golf.

You have now set the stage. For those you don't hear back from, get on the phone and hash it out. Through all of your responses, you will come up with the consensus of length of vacation and dates through give and take.

Tip: Focus on the short game when you don't have much time to practice. Work on skills like chipping and putting.

Over the next four months you will be:
-Getting firm commitments from your group members
-Arriving at a firmer consensus on golf venue
-Receiving food and drink orders to allow you to make the shopping list
-Reserving the vacation house and rental cars
-Getting tee times

Tip: Having your arms limber and in shape is vital to having a good swing. To maintain arms with these qualities, you should workout often, relax when you should, and enjoy a massage when you get the chance.

I like to periodically whet everyone's appetite and keep the excitement level up. Setting up a website especially for your group is a great way to do this. I stripped down the one I use and put an example up at for your review. It is just a little thing I whipped up using MS Publisher. An easier way for you to do this would be to get a free Blog set up for this purpose. I recommend blogger dot com.

Tip: Perfect your posture and grip to get the most from your swing. Place the handle on your palms, and point your thumbs down.

Over the years, we have realized two key things about lodging. The first is that it makes a huge difference in camaraderie when the whole group stays under the same roof. The second is the value in everyone having a separate bed (you know how guys are). The only way to achieve this is to pick a location where there are a bunch of rental homes in order for you to pick one that allows this. (Plug for Isle of Palms, SC: you can find what you need there.)

Tip: Use your entire body to power your golf swing. A lot of beginners think their arms should carry the swing and end up with a weak swing by employing this misconception.

It may not seem to you like time is of the essence, but work schedules, vacation allotments, spousal plans, ticket costs, and your preparation needs demand that you DO get this ball rolling. Once you have sent your introductory email and done your phone calling, several of your planned guests will have trouble pulling the trigger. Work with them as you can, but I have found that you will need your firm group established two months ahead of time (give or take one guy or so.) A fine point for you: Ask for a nominal deposit from each of the troops. Over time, I know that the cost of our vacation, outside of airfare, will be around $900. In one of my follow up emails, I simply ask the players to send around half of that to me. It emphasizes commitment.

Tip: Always keep your attention on the game when playing golf. Be ready for your shot when your turn comes up.

In selecting the location of your rental home, consider the driving time to the golf courses you will be playing. We have found that twenty minutes travel time is great, thirty minutes is OK, but forty minutes is too long. The longer drives are certainly bearable, but if you are planning a winter vacation, you will have to have a fairly early tee time in the morning to allow lunch and another 18 in the afternoon. After telling tales late into the evening, beating the sun to the course, heading home and preparing the feast, it gets to be a long day.

This takes us to the minus-two-months time frame.

In Part Three of this series, we will get into getting great golf rates, shopping lists, and easy administration.

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