Knowhow-Now Article

Surviving Jet Lag

No matter whether your trip is long or short, it is always tiring when traveling for business. The work of moving through airports, dealing with delays, handing your baggage, finding transportation at your destination city and getting to the meeting are a much greater stress than you ordinarily go through doing business at home. But when you add the problems introduced by jet lag, you face physical distress that can almost feel like you are becoming ill as your body reacts to the long distance travel.

Tip: Many airports have added these to enhance waiting areas and provide a diversion and entertainment for young children while waiting for flights. By doing this you will be able to manage your delay easier and keep your traveling group happy.

So it’s a good idea to have some techniques ready to use to prevent jet lag when you are traveling overseas or across several time zones. Yes, you can get jet lag just traveling from the east to west coast domestically. Jet lag comes from the change in time zones and the adjustment your body has to make to deal with the new time cycles in that time zone.

Tip: When driving for long periods, rotate drivers. You do not want to keep driving until you are exhausted, leaving the next driver on their own as you sleep.

We are not aware of it but our bodies are finely tuned to work at their best in the time zone of our homes. Our biological clocks are tuned to react to the time of day, the daylight and nighttime cycle, environmental factors and the magnetism of the local environment. We have an internal monitor that tells us when we should sleep or be active based on that internal clock.

Tip: Start by subscribing to e-newsletters from the major airlines. You will be the first to hear about discounts, special deals and last-minute offers through these e-newsletters.

When we travel to a new time zone, while our mind finds it peculiar that it is a new time of day that is out of sync with what we know, our bodies go through quite a dramatic adjustment to adjust to the new environment. That is why in a new time zone, you may not be able to sleep when it is 11 p.m. where you are because to your body, it may be the middle of the afternoon or the next morning.

Tip: When you are traveling in an airplane, it's a good idea to wear slip on shoes that are light and comfortable. You will be required to remove your shoes at the security checkpoints, and you may want to take them off while in the air.

The symptoms of jet lag are fatigue, lack of appetite, shortness of temper and even a feeling of mild nausea that comes from an internal system that has been thrown for a loop. So the best cure for jet lag is good preparation so you can ease into the change of location without too much anxiety. By reducing the effects of jet lag before they even happen, you make the potential that your business meetings will go well much more likely.

Tip: When going on a trip with your pet, look for pet friendly accommodations. There are many hotels that allow pets, but see what the requirements are and if there are any added fees to let your pet tag along.

* Start adjusting in advance. If you can put yourself on the time frame of your destination a few days in advance, the jet lag won’t be as severe. Start adjusting your sleep times and when you take your meals even before the trip begins so you are already “living in that time zone” before you even make the trip.

Tip: Make sure you have the proper documents to travel to foreign countries. Make sure you have the right kind of visa for your needs.

* Keep a clean diet. Jet lag experts advise that you simplify your diet significantly for several days before the trip. Begin to reduce the amount of heavy foods, carbohydrates, sugars and fats in your diet and increase the level of fruits, vegetables and juices you consume. This will make your system more nimble and able to adjust to change.

Tip: Make your flight as comfortable as possible by booking the seat of your choice on the plane. A lot of the time you can choose your seat on a plane, but there are times when you can't.

* Give yourself time on the other end. Try to make arrangements to arrive a day before your meetings so you have time in your hotel room to rest and prepare for the business objectives to be achieved.

Tip: Always plan ahead when traveling by air. Remember that it's easy to hit traffic on the way to the airport, especially if it's in a big city.

* Eliminate physical stress sources. During the stressful time, try to cut down on physical stresses such as drinking or extreme physical exercise so your body has more reserves to handle the jet lag symptoms.

By thinking ahead about jet lag, you are taking the measures you need to take to eliminate a threat to the success of your business goals on this trip. So if you can minimize the effect of jet lag, your business trip will be a lot more successful.

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