Knowhow-Now Article

Taking The Plane With Small Children

Taking the plane with small children can be an exhausting and stressful experience. Read this article to learn how you can make this experience more pleasant.

Book your tickets months in advance so you can choose your seats. You should book seats that will allow you to sit right next to your children, but be careful not to choose a seat located near an exit, since children under sixteen cannot sit near exits. Booking a seat near a window can be a good way to keep your children busy during the trip. If you are flexible in your travel dates, avoid flying during weekends or just before holidays so you do not have to worry about the airport being too crowded.

Tip: Bring only what you need. Establish a list of the essential items you want to bring, and review it carefully.

Talk to your children about your trip in advance. You should explain the process you will have to go through at the airport and make sure they understand it is important to always stay near you and behave. If your children seem scared about the trip, show them pictures of the airport and planes. Take the time to answer all their questions and reassure them.

You should plan on arriving at the airport early. You usually need to get there an hour early but do not hesitate to get there even earlier to avoid crowds. This will allow you to take breaks if your children need to and will reduce stress. You will also have plenty of time to watch a few planes take off, which should help your children feel safer about flying.

Tip: Throw a few clothespins into your suitcase. They can be a useful item when you go on a trip, even though they are not something someone thinks to bring with them.

Bring a few things to keep your children busy. You should take a few toys if you have very young children or some books, crayons or a portable DVD player. Take some things your children like and do not forget snacks. You should let your children have their toys or books if you have to wait for your plane once you have been through security and customs beforehand. If you have to transfer at a different airport, make sure you explain your itinerary to your children. Make sure you have plenty of time to get from one terminal to another and do not hesitate to ask staff for a stroller if you are pressed for time and do not want to make your small children run.

Keep your children busy during the flight. Most airlines show movies during long flights but keep in mind that the movie selection might not interest your children. Encourage your children to pack a small carry-on bag with some books, toys and other activities for the flight. Bring some snacks and some bottled water for your children. Some airlines serve food during flights but bring snacks in case your children do not enjoy the food served. Encourage your children to be quiet to avoid disturbing other passengers.

These tips will help you make flying with children more enjoyable. You should mention flying in advance so you have plenty of time to answer questions and get your children excited about the trip.

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