Knowhow-Now Article

As you get older you may find yourself becoming more dependent on your car for getting around. Driving can give you freedom you may have otherwise had to sacrifice for daily tasks such as getting to the shops or visiting friends.

However along with age all too often comes a number of health problems, and often health issues may arise which can affect your ability to drive.

As the law stands there is no maximum age for drivers, but you do have to reapply for your licence when you reach 70 by completing a three yearly medical declaration form. The best thing to bear in mind is that everyone ages differently and the key to safe driving is how confident you feel behind the wheel. Statistically speaking, older drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident or to receive traffic citations than younger drivers, mostly this is due to health complains such as decreased vision, impaired hearing and slower motor reflexes.

However knowing your individual limit is the best way to stay safe on the roads. There are a number of ways in which you can make sure you are still in tip top condition to drive.

Have regular eye tests. Those in the UK over the age of 60 are entitled to a free eye test each year, whilst if you feel you are having any problems with your vision many opticians will see you free of charge for a supplementary test any time.

You can also have a medical. This can assure you that there are no underlying issues that you need to declare when completing your three yearly medical declaration.

Choosing the right car is also important. A small car, with high seats and large windows is undoubtedly an easier vehicle to drive for the older motorist. Also, don't put yourself into difficult situations like driving at night or on fast roads where you may find yourself uncomfortable or panicked. Drive only when you feel completely happy and confident in your ability to navigate the roads.

Finally, if you feel up to it, make sure to keep driving regularly. Don't become reliant on your partner or family members to drive you around, because you will find yourself soon out of the habit of driving yourself around. Even a short break from driving can make you lose your confidence and become unfamiliar with new road layouts.

Remember that as a fit, capable older driver you have every right to be on the road. Look into some good over 80s car insurance cover that will help you drive with the peace of mind that such protection can offer.

The author of this article is a part of a digital blogging team who work with brands like The content contained in this article is for information purposes only and should not be used to make any financial decisions.

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