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The Basics Of Web Design

In order to be a good web designer, you must have a solid foundation of the fundamentals. Although there are tools that provide templates for you to just fill in your own content to make a website, usually these templates offer limited choices. If you want to build a website that can reflect what you really want, read this article for some advice on getting down the fundamentals.

You should choose a website authoring tool that you are comfortable in using and which give you the features that you need. Something like Dreamweaver is a good, comprehensive and versatile tool that is good for beginners as well as advanced designers. Many modules are built in for common website features, like forms and tables. For the more advanced users, add-ons and extensions can be purchased to add even more design versatility to your website. Books and tutorial are widely available on this tool.

Tip: When deciding whether to host online videos on a website, be sure to verify the propriety with your web host. Some hosts do not permit videos to be hosted on their servers.

One of the best ways to learn web design is by taking classes. You can look for classes offered online or at your local community college. Taking a class offers benefits over just learning from a book because it offers you a chance to interact with your instructor and class mates, and to share ideas. For many people, learning in a classroom setting is more effective in helping them retain information. The bottom line is to find a method of learning that is suitable and convenient for you.

If you prefer learning on your own, there are many books on the market on web design. Start by perusing the bookstore or your local library. Look through the content and see if you like the way the book is written. If you are brand new to web design, look for books intended for the beginner, preferably something that leads you through the web design concept step-by-step. Intermediate and advanced web design books assume that you already know the basics and will be full of terminology and concepts that you may not be familiar with.

Tip: Make sure you have the right background. Some sites use moving GIF images in the background which may at times be good, but mostly it just makes the text hard to read.

There are also many tutorials online that can help you get started. Many of them are free or are very low-cost. If you come across a tutorial that requires payment, see if it offers you one or two modules for free as a trial basis. Do not commit a lot of money unless you know for sure that the tutorial is high-quality.

Keep up-to-date with web design news by signing up for web design newsletters. Web design is big business, and there are many trade organizations that publish news about the industry. Web design standards are always changing, so keep up with new developments to stay current.

Tip: Web designers should make every attempt to be a close as possible to perfection. No website will ever really attain perfection, but keeping this as a standard will ensure that you reach for the highest level of professionalism.

If you know someone who is already a web designer and you like his work, see if he is willing to teach you. Offer something in return, like payment or your time as his apprentice. You will learn a lot faster if you can have first-hand experience on what web design involves.

These are just some aspects of web design that are basic for beginners. If you are serious about this, make a commitment to learn the right way. When you develop reputation as a good designer, you will have a lucrative career.

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