Knowhow-Now Article

Smartphones and tablet computers have invaded the contemporary workplace, wreaking havoc on well-established IT systems with a new wave of security threats. From malware to hacking, personal devices bring with them an entire new level of risk, and many organisations are left to discover this the hard way. Unfortunately, the security risks that come from the consumerisation of IT often overshadow the potential benefits of this accelerating trend. It is indeed possible for organisations to capitalise on the latest generation of IT devices - but only if the network supports personal devices and the security issues are resolved first.

The use of personal IT devices, specifically tablet computers and smartphones, ranks as one of the largest security challenges for organisations and businesses at present. An organisation's confidential data is left dangerously exposed under this new regime of handheld gadgets, yet the "bring your own device" (BYOD) trend is unlikely to die-down any time soon.

In addition to the devices themselves, which are often subjected to malware and hacking attacks, the applications they contain present an even greater security risk to organisations and their confidential data. Web 2.0 applications, such as social networking, website analytics and video and voice conferencing applications, are regularly accessed outside the secure network firewalls. The consumerisation of IT trend often forces organisations to relinquish control of their IT assets and face having important data comprised.

In order to regain control, organisations can implement endpoint software that allows for extensive device management across a range of different platforms (Android, iOS, Blackberry, etc.). These innovative new software programmes allow organisations to facilitate network access based on user identity and one's individual role within the organisation. This will also allow network engineers and managers to detect and manage devices as they enter the network, so that no one is able to access confidential data without granted permission.

Once an organisation solves the security issues that come with personal IT devices, it can focus on the vast benefits they provide for organisations with regard to productivity, flexibility and efficiency. For example, employees with secure remote access are no longer restricted to standard working hours, but can essentially access the "office" at any time of day or night from their personal device if they so choose. Furthermore, were there any reasons that employees couldn't go into work, such as a snow storm or public travel disruptions, they could still access important data while working from home on their personal devices.

Thus, the Consumerisation of IT represents a great deal of potential for the modern-day office, but has brought with it a range of new security risks. In order for an organisation to capitalise on this latest IT trend, without compromising security, it is recommended that organisations should adopt a system of secure, end-to-end remote access and device management.

Jesse Wallace writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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Organisations have a vested interest in ensuring that their employees' personal devices are safe from a growing number of security threats if used to access company networks and information.
02.03.2012 · From jwallace