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Moody Blues Music And The Band's Beginnings

One of the most prominent British bands that have made a name in America is the Moody Blues which is a classic rhythm and blues band. The Moody Blues music is characterized as musically and lyrically profound with a psychedelic appeal.

The band was formed in Birmingham, England in May 1964. The band members are Ray Thomas (vocals), Denny Laine (guitar/vocals), Mike Pinder (keyboards/vocals), Graeme Edge (drums) and Clint Warwick (bass/vocals). They were all accomplished musicians with years of experience in playing with local bands. The Moody Blues band caught the eye, and later the service of Tony Secunda, their manager. In less than six months after the band was formed, they got booked for a tour and a gig at the Marquee Club which led them to the door of Decca Records for their first ever contract. In September 1964, their first single 'Steal Your Heart Away' was released, but it didn't make it in the British charts. 'Go Now', which featured the somber and unique voice of Denny Laine, was the first Moody Blues music hit.

John Lodge joined the band in 1966 after Clint Warwick and Denny Laine left. An ad in The Melody Maker prompted Justin Hayward to apply for the vacant position in the band and got the job. Hayward subsequently became the lead vocalist and guitarist, which resulted in the change in the band's nature and direction. Even though the Moody Blues continuously performed rhythm and blues music, success wasn't always on their side.

The band decided to perform only the songs that they wrote after being torn apart by an angry fan. The guy approached them in their dressing room after a concert, and told them that he had wasted money over a lousy concert. The Moodies were able to gather a niche fan base by writing and performing only the songs they compose.

One of the band's popular songs, 'Nights In White Satin', was written by Hayward when he was only 19 years old. The song was about the end of a great love affair and the start of a new one, and it was kind of personal for the song writer. Numerous songs that consist the Moody Blues music were written by Mike Pinder. He mostly wrote songs with worldly moods such as 'The Voyage' and 'Melancholy Man'. Other band members also pitched in writing songs, such as Ray Thomas and John Lodge.

To describe the Moody Blues music, it is the fusion of great talents and the combination of their unique approach and love for song-writing. With a long history of great song-writing and performance, this band will never lose out on followers who will be there until their finale encore.

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