Knowhow-Now Article

The Perfect Golf Swing Through Improved Posture And Balance

Every golfer is continually in search of that elusive feel of the perfect swing. Books are written on the topic. Instructional videos promising the “secrets of the perfect swing” sell like hotcakes by mail order and on the internet. Everyone everywhere wants to know what they need to do to swing like the pros.

Tip: If you are having a hard time slicing your ball off of your tee, try committing to a different stance and put your foot that it is in front of you closer to the golf ball. This helps to close your stance, which can take away the reverse spin that causes a slice, while giving you a much better chance to land the ball on the fairway.

The truth is there is no “perfect swing” – at least there’s no one method for achieving it. If we’ve learned anything from years of watching professional golfers showcase their skills in tournaments around the world, it is what makes for the “perfect swing” varies from player to player.

Tip: Graphite shafts are no longer considered optimal for just your driver. There are a new generation of graphite shafts now available on the market.

That doesn’t mean the cause is lost and you’ll never find “that” swing. It just means that you have to find “your” swing. Learning a few tips along the way, tips that can and do apply to all golfers, can only help.

Tip: For a good swing, move your legs only as much as necessary to pivot your body. Your legs provide power, but overdoing it can affect your speed when you swing and make contact with the ball.

Two of the most important components of a good golf swing are balance and posture. If you’re off balance or have poor posture, your search of the perfect swing becomes more challenging. In most cases balance is improved by working on building strength and endurance of your core.

Tip: Make certain that you have a proper grip on your club prior to swinging. The club should be situated gently against your palm with your thumbs angled downward.

Good posture begins with an understanding of the set up position of your body. Begin by standing tall in front of a mirror and performing some baseline assessments. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent. Shoulders are placed in a “back and down” position. Make sure your stomach muscles are pulled so that your low back remains in a neutral position. Make note of your shoulders and hips. Are they at the same height or is one side higher than the other?

Tip: Anyone who wants to develop mastery at golf needs to learn how the types of clubs differ. Wedges, irons, and woods all have distinct purposes.

Strengthening the core muscles of the abdomen and lower back goes a long way toward improving balance and posture alike, as well as raising the level of power you can access.

Core strengthening can be accomplished via the practice of core specific exercises. Once you’ve mastered some of the basics, you can begin learning how to drive every exercise movement you make from your core.

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