Knowhow-Now Article

The Plasma Revolution

Although plasma screens were invented more than forty
years ago it is only since 1999 that plasma
televisions have been commonly available to the
public. In the last few years prices have dropped
dramatically by up to fifty per cent.
But this is not the only changes happening on the
plasma front. Larger screens are being experimented
with to produce better images. One such outcome is the
infinity' screen. That is, no visible edges. You
literally get more picture for your money and no
Perhaps the best feature that these screens have
brought us is the clarity of the picture. We are more
savvy and discerning these days and demand more and
better innovations for our hard earned cash.
Then there is the question of sound. Don't you just
hate it when you are watching some great action movie
and the dialogue gets drowned out by all the
background noise?
Well, this could be a thing of the past since some of
the newer sets have a voice enhancer which
automatically projects the dialogue should the
background noise be high
These screens don't come cheap though! One being
advertised, a 103 inch model, goes for a "modest"
$70,000! In some places that could buy a house!!
It seems like an excessive amount of money just to buy
a TV but our far more sophisticated taste demands that
we move ever forward on the technology front. It may
be just a matter of time until you succumb!

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