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The Things You Need To Consider When Back Pain Strikes

Back pain is a common issue many people struggle with daily. Back pain can afflict all ages and body types, from seniors to teenagers. The severity of back pain can range from annoying to crippling. There are quite a few things to consider when back pain hits you.

Always speak with your regular doctor before trying anything new. It is important that you consult your doctor regarding your back pain. They may be able to determine what is causing it and advise you on how to best proceed. They can also warn you away from potentially damaging activities you are considering attempting.

Tip: Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your muscles healthy and flexible. The human body is about 70 percent water, and everything, including your muscles and the discs in your spine, needs plenty of water to function properly.

Some back pain can be fixed with surgery. This should always be a last resort. Surgery is painful and expensive. Complications can arise. It might not even work. For some, surgery is the only answer. Just make sure that you have exhausted all other possibilities before you decide that back surgery is right for you.

Be careful with medications. Your doctor may prescribe you a painkiller or muscle relaxant. Take care not to become too reliant on them. Medications for your back pain are not a permanent solution. Never combine them with other medications before first speaking with your doctor. Even over the counter medications for pain can be potentially damaging. The daily use of them, over long periods of time, can damage your liver.

Tip: Listening to your body can be vitally important in avoiding debilitating back pain. Especially as you grow older, resist the temptation to push yourself past the onset of pain in your back.

Consider your sleeping arrangements. How you sleep is very important. Try to sleep in a position that offers your back sufficient support. If you tend to toss and turn during the night, try propping yourself up with pillows. Of course, the position in which you sleep means nothing if you have a bad mattress. It is highly advised that you consider investing in a supportive mattress if you suffer from back pain. Lumpy, uncomfortable mattresses can worsen or even be the cause of your back pain.

Keep an eye on how much physical activity you are doing. Does your work require you to lift heavy objects often? Do you play sports in your free time? Are you constantly chasing small children around the house? Physical activity factors in to the severity of the back pain you are experiencing. Try to eliminate the activities that seem to irritate your back the most. If you cannot avoid these activities, do your best to be more careful while preforming them. Move cautiously and, rather than bending over, use your knees when lifting.

Tip: Reaching up and stretching for things while you're dealing with back pain only makes it worse. Make sure you have everything at a good height for you to deal with.

Exercise regularly. Back pain doesn't excuse you from exercising. If anything, it makes exercising more important than ever. Building the muscles in your back can help your body support itself. Try doing light impact exercises that will work your muscles without putting undue strain on your back. Don't push yourself too hard, and remember to speak with your regular doctor before beginning a new exercise routine.

Back pain has many causes and just as many solutions. Hang in there. Your back pain might seem intolerable now, but you can get past it.

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