Knowhow-Now Article

Things To Consider In Shopping For Commercial Coffee Makers

Having freshly brewed coffee anytime of the day is a pleasure that those who love this caffeine-laden beverage would like to enjoy whether they are at home or elsewhere. There are different kinds of devices today that coffee lovers can use to make their own brew or to serve coffee to others craving for their shot of java. There are coffee makers, coffee press, cappuccino machines as well as commercial coffee makers that can be bought in most retail stores or online stores. Choosing one that would work best is depends on the preference of a consumer. Each person would have his own checklist of features to look for in a coffee maker. Whether you are looking to purchase a coffee maker for home use, for the office lounge, or for use in a food business, there are certain considerations that you have to take note of to make the right choice:

Tip: The most delicious coffee comes from beans that have recently been roasted. Look at the expiration date when buying whole beans.

1. Size – this would depend on how you plan to use your coffee maker. There are commercial coffee makers that are small enough for home use but are equipped with features that allow you to get your favorite brew without going out to your favorite coffee shop. Those who need coffee makers for business use should take note of how much demand for coffee they expect on a regular basis. Business owners who are looking for coffee makers for their restaurant or cafes should be able to anticipate the kind of demand that they intend to serve. Space availability is also a factor that should be closely considered when deciding on what size of coffee maker to purchase.

Tip: Create coffeehouse coffee in the comfort of your home. This includes cafe mochas, or any other expensive specialty drinks that you buy at your favorite coffee establishment.

2. Convenience – any piece of appliance or equipment that you buy should be convenient to use. Otherwise, you will not be using the equipment quite as often as you want no matter how much you love your coffee. The same goes for commercial establishments. If the coffee maker or any other equipment in the restaurant is difficult to use, your service crew will not be able to serve up your customers in a timely fashion. What you want to look for is a coffee maker that is easy to use and easy to maintain.

Tip: It can be rather easy to not get the optimal taste from your coffee by under or over-brewing it. A standard amount of time for a coffee to brew is around five minutes.

3. Added Features – the point of buying your own commercial coffee maker for home use is to be able to recreate your favorite brew from your favorite coffee shop. You have to find one with the accessories and added features for the kind of coffee drink that you always crave for. Cappuccino and latte lovers can get what they need from coffee makers that have a milk heating compartment and a frothing attachment. Newer models have more exciting features for better brews worthy of its price. With the right coffee maker, you can serve up coffee shop specialties at home and have a more affordable coffee time with friends and family without leaving the house.

Tip: It is a great idea to recycle your used coffee grounds. Never just toss your unused coffee grounds into your wastebasket.

4. Durability – most commercial coffee makers are constructed for heavy-duty use. Since these are designed to cater to commercial demands for coffee, purchasing them for home use should not put much wear on these coffee makers. The most well known brands are usually the most durable too. These brands have built reputations throughout the years for their reliability and durability. Look for warranties and return policies when buying coffee makers so that you are protected against manufacturing defects and any premature damage.

Tip: When home-brewing coffee, many people mess up the water-to-coffee ratio. Often, people use too much water and too little coffee to get a good tasting cup of joe.

5. Price – of course, any consumer would have price as a consideration in any purchase. If you want a good coffee maker, you have to be willing to shell out a little more than what you would for a small personal coffee maker or drip machine. For commercial users, you have to weigh your investment carefully to make sure that its use will give you the kind of returns that you are looking for. You want to be able to use your coffee maker for as long as you can to get the most value for your money. Investing in a high-end coffee maker depends on the kind of clientele and patronage that your business has. This type of coffee maker might work for you if your customers are of the discriminating kind and willing to pay a little extra for their special coffee treats.

Coffee machines are probably considered as basic fixtures in some workplace. In fact there are even companies that include free flowing coffee as an added employee benefit for their workers. Serious coffee drinkers may want to have their own coffee maker at home and enjoy these beverages as often as they can. Whatever purpose you may have in purchasing a coffee machine, you will always do well with one that is carefully chosen from among a vast array of brands and models in the market.

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