Knowhow-Now Article


"The attitude that we would have is: 'The universe is lining it up just right, and the timing will be just exactly right. And I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm doing everything just exactly right. And in the perfect timing, a timing that I cannot even quite see yet, this is going to happen. And meanwhile there isn't anything else for me to do.'

Tip: Manicure those nails! Clean and neat fingernails are an essential part of self image. They are also an important part of your public appearance.

How is it that you all get so involved in things that have nothing to do with you? The Law of Attraction is a huge Law. So next time you find yourself thinking: 'Well, I should write one more affirmation, or I should do one more Virtual Reality. I need to do something. I must be doing something wrong, or what I'm wanting would be,' we say, what you need to do is chill out. What you need to do is relax and accept that you've done your work. You've asked; the Universe is doing its work; it is answering. Your work is to get into this place where you joyfully receive it.

Tip: Give yourself short-term goals of less than a month. This can motivate you and give you that extra spark you need to make that goal come true.

You can't take score about when it's coming or where it's coming, or how it's coming. In other words, you accept, in this faith-based attitude, it is coming and all is well. And as you do that, ahh.

Then, when you really get there, then it doesn't matter how long it takes--but it doesn't take any time, then. If you could say, 'I don't care how long it takes,' you're there! And then it takes no time. But as long as it matters how long it takes, you're not there--and it's going to take a long time.

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