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Top 7 Interactive Functions Your Website Should Have

Having a solid web design is never enough for a good website. You need to add as many interactive features as you can to capture the interest of your audience. There are numerous interactive functions you can choose to incorporate into your web design to ensure your website is a hit with visitors. This article will give you an overview of the top seven interactive functions your website should contain.

Promote your blog through your website by displaying recent or newly added posts. This cross promotion can help lead visitors to your blog or vice versa. Use the front page of your main website to display excerpts or titles of your newly added articles. There is a good chance if it's on topic, visitors will click to see what your blog is like.

Tip: Remember that some users will have more bandwidth than others when you are posting video files on your site. You might want to convert your videos at 5,000 kb/s, but that may be a lot faster than someone's connection.

Outside of their blogs, many website owners choose to provide visitors with articles or extra information on their websites. Under the articles, allow users to comment and share their opinions on a particular piece. This helps you understand how your audience thinks as well as give them a way to interact with you. Small gestures such as allowing commenting can go a long way.

Newsletters are the perfect way for you to market new ideas to your customers as well as collect their email addresses for future reference. Give users the option of subscribing to your newsletters on the main page of your website. Always allow the option to unsubscribe and choose a double opt-in feature to ensure that someone isn't just spamming an email address.

Tip: When you are making a number of pages that require the same template, the simplest way to do this is to use copy/paste. Rather than rewriting new code for each page, simply copy a main section of your code from the first page.

Feedback forms have been around for a long time. Despite how much web design has evolved, there is still a lot of use left in a simple feedback form. If done correctly, such a form can let your website visitors tell you about any problems they are having as well as praise. Constructive criticism can be helpful to you as a website owner. Choose "radio buttons" or a "drop down" feature to improve the usability of your feedback form.

Polls are a great as well as a popular way to interact with your customers. Display a fun poll on your website daily or once a week to let people share their opinions on different subject matters. It helps if your subject is relevant in some ways to your website. Use colorful graphics and displays to let show the results of your poll once someone has voted.

Tip: Try making a favicon to use on your site. This tiny graphic can make your site more recognizable if visitors bookmark your site.

Consider how popular social media has become over the years. Add a social media bookmarking feature to your website to gain following. Most social media sites allow users to add pages using their favorite networking or bookmarking service.

RSS feeds are one of the most popular ways to share content on the web. By choosing the smart path of offering RSS feeds of your content, you make it easier for people to read what you write when using a feed reading application. RSS feeds also make it easier for visitors to share different content on social media websites.

There are so many ways that you can make your website more interactive. Try some or all of what you have learned today to engage your visitors. When you design a website with interactive functions, you are heading towards success in more ways than one!

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