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Top Five Web Design Mistakes

Do you have a website? If yes, you need to know a few things about web design. Read this article to make sure you are not committing any of these top five web design mistakes.

Do not create a design that is too busy. You should keep your HTML as clean as possible so your site is properly displayed on different browsers and so that search engine spiders can easily analyze it. Create a separate CSS sheet for your design so you do not have to include design elements in your HTML code. If you decide to create a website with another language, follow this same rule and remember that a simple design is often better than a complex one.

Tip: Try using a grid host instead of dedicated VPS hosting if you're creating your own site. This is due to the fact that you won't be sure how much traffic your website will be getting, and you don't want to pay more, or less, than you need to.

If you do not have any experience with web design, your best solution is to create a blog or use a site-building tool. However, do not forget to personalize your site or blog. If you use a basic template from a popular blogging platform, your visitors will probably recognize it. You should personalize your site or blog by changing the color pattern and adding more elements to your pages. And if you want a unique design, hire a professional web designer.

Avoid using images and other elements that will make your page hard to read for search engine spiders. These elements include images, videos, audio files, Flash content and Java script. If you decide to use one of these elements, make sure you describe it with tags. Avoid creating your menu with Java script since search engine spiders will have a hard time following your links. You should also avoid using images for your background or your header.

Tip: All of your domains and sub-domains should have a visible, keyword-oriented tagline. These taglines should be in text that is large and bold so that they are the first thing a viewer will notice when he or she follows your links.

Do not forget to test your website with different browsers and devices. If elements of your design are not properly displayed on a certain device or with a particular browser, you should try making these elements simpler. Avoid setting fixed values for the size of your pages since the size you choose might not be appropriate for visitors who have a different resolution. Creating a very simple design based on a color pattern rather than more complex elements is the best way to create a site that is compatible with multiple devices and browsers.

Updating your website should be easy, and you should be able to add more content without having to make any modifications to your design. Having to make some changes to your design every time you need to update your site will take too much time. You can save a lot of time by dividing your pages into different blocks, including your header, your menu, a block for your text and other blocks for banners or anything else you want to draw attention to. Save a template page with an empty block so you can easily add text.

If you have been making any of these top five web design mistakes, you should apply the tips you just read. You should think about learning more about web design or hiring a professional if you are having a hard time with your website.

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