Knowhow-Now Article

Traveling Safely (And Sanely) With Small Children On A Plane!

Bringing small children on an airplane is a big responsibility to take care of and when not planned for properly, can quickly turn into a nightmare for you and everyone else on board. Use the following tips to make flying with little ones safer for them, easier on you and more enjoyable for other passengers.

1. Make plans far in advance. This will keep you prepared for anything and give you plenty of time to get the things you need to ensure safe and happy travels. Once your plans are set, gradually introduce your small child to the concept of flying.

Tip: Traveling to far away places is not the only way to have a wonderful quick get-away or enjoyable day trip. There are many fun experiences to be had in your home state, or even in your home town.

2. Bring proper seating and restraints. Not only will the little one be much safer in an age-appropriate set-up, they will be more comfortable in something familiar to them. Check with the airline first to make sure your seat is acceptable.

3. Have an emergency kit on your person. Things like Band-Aids, cough drops, coloring books and crayons and anything else you anticipate needing should be kept separate and accessible in your belongings. Don't shove it all together as you pack: plan on using them on the plane and organize them accordingly.

Tip: To avoid jet lag, try to stay up until about 8pm local time. If you go to bed early, even if you're tired, it can make your jet lag stay longer because you keep your body in sync with the time zone from home.

4. Keep necessities in your carry-on luggage. Whatever sacrifices you have to make with the airlines, make sure your essentials come on board with you. Bring a large purse if you have to, and fill it with the things you will need in flight. Have snacks and small juices, activities and toys right at your side.

5. Have a pre-flight discussion with your child. If the child is old enough to understand what a plane is, they should be prepared for it. Use toys and television shows to demonstrate the fun, manners and protocol involved with flying. Generate enthusiasm without getting them too excited.

Tip: If you are planning a trip to a foreign country, the first step is to check their visa requirements. It can take some time for visa processing, so it is a good idea to apply for your visa far in advance of your expected departure date.

6. See to it that the child behaves. Flying with a child prone to tantrums and outbursts can be a huge problem, again your pre-planning will pay off. Set limits before you get on board and make sure your child is clear; offer them high-stakes rewards for good behavior once the plane lands and inform airline staff quietly about potential outbursts and how you handle them.

7. Avoid placing them in an aisle seat. This would mean they have access to airline staff and passengers walking by, a disaster in the making! It also might be scarier for them if they are very young; keep them tucked in the middle seat where their little hands can't get into big trouble.

Tip: When traveling with a pet, do your homework before leaving home regarding hotel's pet policies and any extra costs that may apply. Make sure that you take the time to research a variety of different hotels in order to get the best place for your money, as well as to make sure you get a place that meets both you and your pet's needs.

8. Only remove them from the restraints if necessary. Although a long flight isn't fun if your movement is fairly restricted, it's necessary for small kids to be kept in place on flights. Avoid taking them out as much as possible.

9. Bring brand new toys for the occasion. Go ahead and splurge a little, it will pay off big! Purchase the cuddliest, coolest or most fascinating toys you can get your hands on.

When planned for well, flying with small children can be quite thrilling for them and not too much of a bother for you! Use the above tips and take care of anything else you can think of way ahead of time. High above the clouds is no place to realize you've forgotten a favorite toy or snack! Plan like a pro and have a great time.

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