Knowhow-Now Article

Treatments That Offer Possible Effective Cancer Alternatives

Mainstream medicine today will not accept the possibility that there are effective cancer alternatives when it comes to therapy and treatment. The usual reason for this is the lack of scientific studies and clinical trials to support claims of effectiveness. A common criticism is that most of the literature in favor of alternative treatments comes only in the form of testimonials from people who did not undergo testing before the supposed cure.

Notwithstanding the skepticism of established medical institutions, practitioners of alternative medicine continue to claim success in treating cancer. Here are some of the non-traditional cancer treatments that are under study today:


Hyperthermia increases temperature in the body to destroy cancer cells. Heat is referred to by practitioners of hyperthermia as the “fourth weapon against cancer”; its introduction into the tumor from the outside takes place without damaging healthy cells. This intervention is based on the principle that when tumor cells are subjected to temperatures above 39.5 degrees C, either they are destroyed or their growth is impeded.

Cryosurgery (cryotherapy)

Where hyperthermia uses high temperatures to destroy cancer cells, cryosurgery, or cryotherapy takes the opposite approach using the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissues such as cancer cells.

Tip: Drinking high-calorie, high-sugar drinks like soda can make you more likely to get cancer, so dump them right away. Excess pounds are caused by high levels of calories, as well as simple carbs, and this unnecessary weight is breeding ground for potential tumors.

Freezing temperatures damage cells because at low temperatures, ice crystals form inside the cells, destroying them. Once the malignant tissue has been targeted, a cryogun may be used to administer the cooling solution. Other ways of applying the coolant are swabbing the diseased tissue with a cotton swab or circulating it through a cryoprobe. The cooling solutions used under this therapy include liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon gas and Dimethyl ether – propane.


Tip: Two of the most frequently utilized techniques for treating ovarian cancer are surgical removal and chemotherapy. With surgery, the options range from removing ovaries to doing a complete hysterectomy.

Research about electromedicine began in the late 1800s and went on until the 1930s. This alternative approach uses electrical devices to kill malignant microbes in the body and to energize the immune system to fight cancer. Practitioners of electromedicine not only claim that it is one of the effective cancer alternatives in treating malignancies; it is also virtually painless and has minimal side effects, if any.

Nutrition Therapy

Tip: Try to remember that although you are ill, you are still alive and life moves on. Try to maintain your routine for as long as you are able.

Nutrition therapy is often better accepted as a complementary intervention than a cure when people are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, the traditional protocols for the treatment of cancer. With nutrition therapy, certain foods are used to promote health, strengthen the immune system, and support its ability to detoxify.

Among the most popular healing foods are those that are rich in fiber, vitamin C, selenium, and sulfur compounds. Examples of such foods are blueberries, raspberries, and broccoli.


Detoxification uses the removal of toxins as the method for curing cancer. Toxins are removed through procedures such as enemas for colon cleansing, fasting, water therapy, chelation, and heat treatments. Usually, detoxification is accompanied by nutrition therapy and the intake of supplements.

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine uses the restoration of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sides of a person to fight disease. Because of its focus on the whole person, various methodologies are employed to effect healing. It is not unusual to find that during treatment, practitioners will use combinations of the following: art therapy, music and dance therapy, hypnosis, imagery, meditation, psychotherapy, spirituality and prayer, and yoga.

Tip: Be totally honest with your friends and family about your cancer. Trying to play brave can actually leave you feeling alone and isolated at the very time when you need a support group.

The focus on healing the whole person rather than specific illnesses also results in a comprehensive lifestyle review. As a whole, holistic medicine will mean a healthy diet, regular exercise, counseling and getting rid of stress.

Effective cancer alternatives continue to elude society and treatments outside of mainstream do not get sufficient support in terms of clinical trials and scientific study. Regardless of this unsatisfactory state of affairs, persons afflicted with cancer will continue to try alternative methods in the hope that some less invasive, less expensive, and kinder treatment will provide the cure.

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