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A Glimpse At Medical Tourism Costs Worldwide

Many patients are now fond of going overseas to seek medical care in foreign hospitals just to save more on their medical expenses. With more than a few principal medical tourism destinations giving superlative health care at high-tech facilities, its is no doubt that the industry of medical tourism has long-drawn-out quickly in the past years.

On the other hand, the patient could have a huge savings on their medical expenses abroad since they could a spend their vacation while recuperating. Time and again, the monetary savings are so vast that it even includes the fee of air flights, a local holiday, and medical management which lots of medical tourists take advantage of. Actually, patients that go overseas are those who want to save on  major surgical procedures such as knee replacement surgery, heart valve replacement, in-vitro fertilization, and bypass heart surgery.

Leaders in medical tourism industry would include Thailand, India, Singapore, Cuba, South Africa, Costa Rica, Hungary, Columbia, and Malaysia with some other countries aiming to draw medical travelers with their remarkable and modernized equipment and amenities.

Now, let's take a look on the savings that could be made on the medical procedures at medical tourism costs:

•Heart bypass surgery. In US, this is more or less $100,000, but in Thailand, the patient can just have it done only for US$12,000.

•Heart valve replacement surgery. This costs US$200,000 in US but only US$10,000 in India.

•Hip replacement surgery.  In US, this is more or less $25,000, but it is US$5,500 in Thailand, US$7,000 in India, and US$5,854 in Cuba.

•Knee replacement surgery. This costs more or less US$50,000 in US but could be done for US$5,000 in Colombia and for US$10,500 in Costa Rica.

As you can see, in several countries like India, the medical tourism costs are much cheaper than in North America and UK. With such eye-catching treatment charges and high quality healthcare services, more and more patients are now looking for treatment outside their home country.

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