Knowhow-Now Article

Understanding What Causes Your Back Pain

Experiencing pain in your back is likely something that will happen to everyone at some point in their life. It is a common malady and unfortunately can be one that is persistent and pervasive. However, alleviating pain in your back in much easier if you understand what is causing it in the first place. Read on for some ideas on what to do look for and how you can avoid some of the most common causes.

Regardless of your age or physical condition, overusing your back will cause pain. That's all there is to it. Even if the pain is temporary, it is possible that you are doing long term damage to the muscles and tissues that will show up later in life. This is easily avoided by monitoring the way you use your back during work or pleasure activities. Practice safe bending, reduce the loads you carry at one time, and do not lift anything from awkward angles.

Tip: Make sure you drink enough water. The human body is primarily water, including our muscles and the discs in our spines.

Injuries during sports, work and play time can come when you least expect them. Even if the injury is not centered on your back, it is possible that the damage has extended to affect your back in more subtle ways. After any car accident or sports injury, always ask your doctor to examine your back, preferably with an x-ray. Catch small evidences of back injury before they get worse, and get preventive medical treatment for them.

Many people experience pinched nerves, which is basically a nerve in your back or elsewhere that is compressed and under pressure. The symptoms can include muscle spasms, numbness, weakness and more. Visit a medical professional who can diagnose what is causing your pinched nerve and recommend treatments to alleviate this pain. Some of the treatments can be quite simple, such as massage, hot showers, stretching and movement.

Tip: To help prevent back pain, have adequate back support when lounging. Furniture isn't always designed with this in mind, so remember to use good posture and back support when sitting and reclining.

Over time, poor posture can contribute to back pain in a significant way. Your spine will be stressed from prolonged time in one position, particularly if it is in a c-shape, swayback or slouching position. This can damage the structure of your spine over time and can be irreversible. Whether you are sitting, standing or lying down, pay close attention to the position your back is in. If you work at a desk all day, get up and move around at least once an hour, preferably more. The simple act of standing and stretching can relieve tension on your back and break the cycle of immobility.

The saying "you are what you eat" holds true for all parts of your body, including your back. Without sufficient nutrients and vitamins obtained in natural ways through a healthy diet, you back will be weaker and more prone to injury and stress. The tendons, muscles and nerves that support your back all need strengthening through proper nutrition. This is one of the easiest ways to avoid back pain now and in the future.

Tip: Soak in a warm tub if you want relief from your back pain. The warm water can relax the muscles that have tightened up, which are causing you the pain.

There are a variety of medical conditions which can affect your back, leading to pain and discomfort. Some are hereditary, but that does mean that you cannot find effective treatments that at least lessen the effect the condition has on your daily life. Ask your medical professional about if - and how - any of your other medical conditions may be affecting your back.

Though these are only a few things that can be contributing to back pain in your life, it is a good place to start in narrowing down the possibilities. Always get medical advice from a qualified professional, then combine treatment methods that are tailored for your specific needs.

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