Knowhow-Now Article

Using Diet To Help Promote Hair Growth

Your hair is an integral part of you. It is built from the nutrients that you eat every day. Just as your body's health will deteriorate if you eat only junk, your hair can't grow without the proper nutrients. By remembering to get plenty of the nutrients listed in this article, you can not only feel better overall, you can make sure your hair has all the tools it needs in order to stay healthy.

The first item on the list is Omega-3 fatty acids. These have had a lot of publicity as something your brain needs in order to function properly. Your hair needs this nutrient in order to produce the natural oils that keep your hair healthy and shiny. Fish, flax seed, and avocados are all great sources of this valuable nutrient. If you just cannot afford to get natural sources, look for products that have this as an added ingredient. Since it has gained popularity, many manufacturers have started adding Omega 3's as a way to promote their product.

Tip: Try to avoid the use of products that are very rough on your hair and scalp while dealing with hair loss. Let your hair dry naturally.

Something that is not in the news so much is biotin. This is the nutrient that keeps your hair from being brittle. If you are having trouble with your hair getting thin, especially if you are having trouble growing your hair long, this is where you need to look first. The primary source of biotin is from various kinds of beans. Something as simple as eating beans as a side three or four times a week can keep you topped off on this nutrient.

Fortunately, the best sources of protein are often the best sources of important B vitamins. Poultry, eggs, and low fat dairy are some of the healthiest animal-based sources of both of these things. For the vegetarians, quinoa and other rustic grains will help you replace animal proteins in your diet. Either way, you may want to consider adding a B vitamin to help make up for the lack of healthy proteins in the average modern diet.

Tip: As your new hair loss will probably change your hair style and your overall look, it is important that you also look at new wardrobe choices. A nice polo and slacks looks great with most cropped hair cuts.

The final ingredient in this great hair recipe is dark green veggies. These veggies provide a huge range of nutrients including iron and calcium, as well as vitamins A and C. This is actually the exact combination of minerals that your scalp needs to produce a compound called sebum, which is your body's natural hair conditioner. Try adding veggies like spinach or broccoli into recipes you already cook in order to seamlessly add more veggies into your life.

Most people erroneously believe that they must change what they eat all at once. This sets most people up for failure as the stress of changing their entire diet in one day gets to be too much for them and they slip back into old habits. Instead, change small things over time in order to successfully add more hair enriching nutrients into your life. Every positive change you make to your diet will not only help you feel better, but your hair will also become healthier and more vibrant.

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