Knowhow-Now Article

Energy regulators Ofgem are encouraging UK consumers to compare tariffs from different gas suppliers to see if they are paying more than they need to for their supplies - revealing that they could achieve savings of up to £100 per year simply by changing the company that delivers their gas bills.

Increases in gas prices and adoption of the internet have led to more gas consumers heading online to find the best deals, with a growing awareness of the money that could be saved by switching to a more suitable tariff. There are various factors that need to be taken into account when searching for a more affordable tariff online however, if you're hoping to gain a more realistic idea of the savings you could be making.

Price comparison websites are a useful resource in the search for cheaper gas prices, but they should not be the only tool in your kit, and you should also avoid placing too much trust in their results. While these websites can be helpful for listing a number of different tariffs from the leading companies side by side, you should be aware that the prices shown will usually reflect a 'typical' customer that may not be you.

If you feel your own usage habits may differ - depending on the amount of time you spend at home, the size of your property and the number of people living there, among others - you should take the search further and check out the official websites of respective gas suppliers, as these are more likely to contain full details of tariffs as well, as more specialised options and price plans that could be better suited to your situation.

You should also exercise caution and scrutiny when using price comparison websites, to look for any signs that could suggest a bias. If you do not see a prominent gas supplier listed on the website, there may be a reason for this, and you owe it to your bank balance to do the independent research and find out how the missing tariffs measure up against the competition.

When you compare gas prices on price comparison websites, you may also not be shown details of the latest special offers and limited deals that could make signing up to a certain tariff even more affordable, as well as additional discounts when you register online or choose to pay by direct debit.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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