Knowhow-Now Article

Vegas For The Eternal Planner

Are you a gambler? Seriously, do you take your chances on everything or are you a careful planner? Do you through caution to the wind with solid faith that everything will work out in the wind or do you try to control every aspect of the environment around you. I've noticed that in this world there are those that seem born to gamble, to take chances and take risks and those that agonize over he slightest and smallest of decisions often second guessing themselves into oblivion and back again before ultimately deciding to do that which they truly wish to do.

Tip: Camping is a great way to see the country, or even the world, on a budget. Instead of springing for expensive hotels, look for camping sites along the way of your trip.

There are people who are far too capricious with lady luck and those who harbor no illusions about her fickle nature. Whichever type of person you are, there is a game for you to play in Vegas. Yes, even those who don't gamble and aren't willing to risk a single penny can find something fun and fabulous to do and enjoy during their stay in this great city.

Tip: One of the best ways to understand the culture of another country is to visit their supermarkets. This is where the locals are almost certain to be found and seeing the real food can help give you a great overview of what type of culture you are experiencing.

Vegas is beginning to transform itself from "Sin City" to a more respectable place to have and bring children. There will always be the shows that this city is so famous for but they are often tempered with afternoon magic shows, clowns, and music reviews that honor performers from innocent (and not so innocent) days gone by. Where else on earth could you see Elvis Presley walking next to Marilyn Monroe and Diana Ross? Where else on earth can you see a clown walking around almost (if not) 24 hours out of each and every day? There are so many strange and wonderful things to see and do in this city that even if you've never set foot inside a casino and still have no intentions of doing so, there are still many, many things you can find to keep you entertained and happy.

Tip: Bring a dry erase board and markers with you when you are traveling on a cruise ship. Put these items up on your door; you will now have an easier time identifying your room, and your family can write notes on it to tell you where they are going.

In addition to the many shows, the shopping in Vegas is almost as good as it is in Milan, New York, and Paris. There are thrill rides that are decidedly not for the faint of heart and great shows and experiences to keep all members of the family happy and entertained for days to come. There are museums, state parks, and the beautiful backdrop of desert scenery. There are weddings on every corner and new beginnings at every turn. This is a city of infinite possibilities that go far beyond the doors of any casino.

Tip: When going on a trip, make sure to split up your bank cards, credit cards, checks and cash. Put them all into different hidden pockets of your purses and travel bags.

If you're not sure what you'd like to do in Vegas, my first suggestion is that you find a spa that will let you hide out from the world for your entire first day. Allow yourself to be pampered and primped and treated completely and utterly like the prince or princess you are deep down inside. Once you've begun to really relax and are ready to think about the many options that abound. Consider your budget and choose your activities according to your spending abilities. There are actually enough free activities in Vegas to keep you busy for at least 3 days if not 4 or more (depending on your interests and how many of the paid adventures you'd like to participate in).

Tip: Camping is a popular vacation pastime, but with the extensive equipment it requires it is not a cheap one. Before deciding to invest in all the gear necessary for extended camping travel, it is best to "get your feet wet" by making short day hikes at nearby nature attractions to see if the camping lifestyle really appeals to you.

Beyond that, the problem for many lies in deciding how much money to spend where and how much money you are willing to leave up to fate, lady luck, and the mad, mad whims of man.

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