Knowhow-Now Article

Modern security devices for cars are significantly more advanced than the early burglar alarm systems, which were prone to malfunctioning and often relatively easy to disable. The majority of today's vehicles have antitheft technology incorporated when you buy them, from sophisticated alarm systems to wheel locks. However, there are other ways to reduce the risk of your car becoming stolen that don't involve making any investments or upgrades.

The most fundamental security measure you can take is to lock your vehicle. This may sound obvious, but unlocked vehicles account for around 50 per cent of reported cases of stolen cars, and you should similarly make sure your windows are closed too - you might be surprised by how easy it is to accidentally leave the car while they're open, especially in the summertime.

You should also consider what can be seen inside your vehicle that may prove to be a more tempting target to opportunist thieves than the vehicle itself - especially in the case of satellite navigation systems, external MP3 players, loose change and your vehicle's registration documents, which can fetch a high price when sold to other parties. It's also essential to never leave your keys inside the car, as these can easily be seen - even choosing to hide a spare set of keys somewhere inside your vehicle is a bad idea, as thieves know all the likely locations.

The location in which you park your car can also have a large impact on its likelihood of being stolen or damaged, with dark and isolated areas always being inadvisable. Instead, park in well-lit areas, preferably in public places such as attended car parks, as doing this will lower the chance of thieves going unnoticed and will help to deter them from trying. Parking within your own property is the best defensive measure you can take, and parking your car in your driveway could even lower your car insurance premiums - as long as you make sure that the area is secure.

When parking your car in the street, you can also safeguard against your vehicle being towed away by turning the wheels towards the curb. In driveways and car parks, you should turn the wheels to the side as this means they can only be towed from the front, making theft less appealing. You can also increase your car's resistance to being towed by backing into your driveway, or engaging four wheel drive mode which locks the rear wheels. Applying your handbrake can also improve the chances that your vehicle stays put overnight.

The author of this article is a part of a digital blogging team who work with brands like Admiral. The content contained in this article is for information purposes only and should not be used to make any financial decisions.

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